Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

Plan part 1

I did my daily routine for the day, and headed out with one of my favorite outfits on. When I arrived at the school, I saw Kassie standing by a tree in one of her crazy outfits, looking extremely anxious. I waved good bye to my mother as she pulled away, and I headed towards Kassie.

I slipped her my plan that I had been working on all night. "Okay, i go into the office around 8:50, at the end of 3rd hour. Everyone else in the office leaves at nine. So at the beginning of your 4th hour class, get out of class and head down to the office to get the file. Then I want you to go int--," I got cut off by the morning bell. We shared a look with each other that said 'we never talked'. We headed off to Language Arts, then to science together, and finally it was 3rd hour. I was shaking in my skin. Such an awful thing I was doing, but such excitement I got from it.

As I was walking toward the office to do some of my service hours for the school, I couldn't help but think something would go wrong or I would get caught. I started typing out some papers for the office, and eventually everyone left the office. I sat at the computer, waiting for Kassie to come to my rescue and take the file. I just wanted to get it done and over with. I went back to typing, but then the office door burst open. I pracitcally jumped out of my seat, but to my relief, it was only Kassie. She didn't bother to say anything to me. She just went right to work. Maybe she was just as afraid as I was. I watched from the office windows into the halls carefully for any signs of anyone.

I then heard a metallic thud. Kassie slammed the file cabinet shut, handed me Liz's file, and left the office. I remained still, dumfounded that she left the file with me. This was not part of the plan! Then the door swung open again, and I shoved the file into a desk drawer. But it was Kassie once again. She approached the desk with a scared and rushed look on her face. I pulled the file out again and handed it to her.

She swiped it from my hands and hid it the best she could. "Sorry," she replied as she rushed back out of the door. I sighed with relief. Everything was going pretty well.
It was the last class of the day, one that Kassie was in also. She didn't give me eye-contact or anything. No note passing, or signaling me. She just sat there in her seat trying to look as innocent as possible. I was afraid that maybe she'd gotten caught. The end of school bell rang, and I rushed behind Kassie, trying to catch up with her.

She was almost to her car when I caught up with her and asked, "How did everything go? Did you g--"

"Not now!" she replied in a rather loud and serious tone. I headed off to my mom's car, as she went to her own, and I couldn't help but think that I'd get expelled, and I'd never get into a good college, never get a good job, and be living a worthless life. Why did I go through with this plan?

I made small talk with my mom on the ride home. When we pulled into the driveway, and opened the car door rather early and rushed upstairs to call Kassie. I sat there with the phone up against my ear wating, and waiting, and waiting. She wasn't answering her phone. I decided to give it a rest, and went downstairs, hoping she would call back. I had to reassure my mom everything was okay for the hundredth time before the phone finally rang.

"It's probably for me," I said anxiously, grasping for the phone. But I was too late, and my mom answered it.

"Hello? Yes, she's here, but we're about to eat dinner. No, then she'll be doing her homework. I'm sorry, but right now isn't a good time. Yes, I will tell her. Good bye," my mother hung up the phone, glanced at me, and then turned her back to me, getting back to cooking dinner. I heard her mumble something like, "Goodness gracious, that girl needs to understnad what no means."

I stood there in awe, raged at my mother. "Who was that? Kassie?" I asked angrily, knowing it was her. I wanted to know why my mother wouldn't hand the phone over to me. I knew we weren't even eating dinner for another half hour.

"Yes, it was," she replied calmly. "Shouldn't you get started on your homework?" she asked, avoiding the subject. She didn't even bother to turn and look at me.

"No, I shouldn't. I need to make a phone call, if you would excuse me." I headed upstairs to call Kassie back, and she answered thankfully. I apologized about my mother. "So how did it all go?" I asked.
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