Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles


Beep! Beep! Be--

Ahh, Friday morning. Finally the end of the week. And to think that only a few days ago, I started high school. I decided just to tell Kassie that I'm completely done with her, I picked out one of the classiest outfits in my closet. I had a big breakfast before I headed out once again to school with my mother. During the car ride, we actually held a conversation together. It seems that without Kassie, my life was so much better.

We pulled up to the school and I thanked my mother for driving me. I got out of the car and walked straight towards the school, grinning from ear to ear. Kassie stood there at the door with Tara and Jen, glaring at me. I smiled and waved a brief hello to her as I walked on into the school. Even with my back to her, I knew she was still gazing at me; this only made me smile more.

First class with Ms. Firth was pretty okay. Second class with Mr. Ramer was nice. Third hour was awesome in history. When I made my way to the office though, the guilt kicked in and the smile faded from my face. My face turned red and I kept to myself in the office. I kept glancing over at the file cabinet and reliving the moment over and over again. I wondered when she was planning on releasing her unoriginal scheme: today, tomorrow... Wait! What if she dropped the whole thing just like I did? Today was Friday, so you would think Kassie would do her plan today so she would have the weekend to hide from Liz.

Right in the middle of all my thoughts, the office door slowly creaked open. It was Liz. Her face was red and stained from the tears that fell down her face. She sat down in one of the chairs and sniffled a few times as she looked down at the floor. I tried to hide my ashamed face behind my computer. And to think I almost went though with Kassie's plan. Finally, I spoke up, "Hi, Liz. Is there something you would like to tell me? Are you okay?" I tried to hide the quivering in my voice.

She lifted her head up and looked at me, "Yeah. Yeah, Amelia. I'll tell you something. I'll tell you you're a brat."

My jaw fell open. Kassie told her I was originally in the plan too. I decided to act dumb with her. "I- I'm sorry, what was that? W-what did I do to y--," I stuttered, "What are you talking about?" I wasn't really good at pretending to not know what happened. Liz let out a disbelieving laugh.

Just then, the principal came in the room. He looked at Liz, who was looking at me. The principal did a double-take on me, then blurted out, "Can you go to your class for a moment? This is a private matter," he said looking at Liz. He wasn't really asking me, but he was telling me. So I got up from my chair, with some papers and files from the desk, and left the office. Right outside the office door, I purposely dropped the papers, and knelt down to pick them up. As I was doing this, I listened to the conversation in the office.

A crying voice started talking first, "I was walking out of my third hour class, and there were papers all over the floor, so I picked one up. And on it had my report card from last year on it. So I brought one of the papers to a girl named Kassandra," she paused for a moment, and it just kicked into my head that Kassandra was Kassie. Liz continued with her story, "I asked her who printed my grades, and she said it was Amelia Larson! Then a teacher heard us talking in the hall, and we told her the whole story and showed her the papers, and she sent me to the office." Then the principal let out a long deep breath.

I sat in the hallway next to my fallen papers. How dare she? How dare Kassie for telling Liz it was me who printed the papers? How dare Liz for believing Kassie? Why am I being blamed for something I didn't do? As I sat there, I thought of something else: How am I going to get myself out of this?
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Hope you like this chapter!! Tell me what you think will happen to Liz, Kassie, and Amelia?
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