Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

Friday Afternoon

I only sat in the hallway for a second, that was until I heard the principal making his way towards the office door. Then, I ran for it. I ran away from the office door as fast as I could. I never realized how quiet the hallway was while class was going on. All I could hear as I was running was my quick breaths and the clicking of my shoes on the scuffed up linoleum floor.

I ran into the girl's bathroom; the first room that I came upon. I heard the principal calling my name down the halls, and I heard the large pounding of his feet following my footsteps. I hoped he wouldn't come into the bathroom. I peeked under the stalls, and thank God that no one was there. I had never been confronted by a principal for something bad I did. I had only gotten praised or awards whenever I met with the principal. And this would not look good on my record. I was only a freshman, my first week into school even, and I am already in trouble!

I heard his footsteps and his voice go down the next hall, and left the bathroom and headed towards the office. I hoped that Liz had already left so I could hide in there. I opened the office door, and it was thankfully empty. I could at least hide in here until the end of 4th hour. I was so happy they gave my a spot in the office for my service hours. I didn't even have to do my homework for my 4th hour class because of it!

The 4th-5th hour bell rang, and I quietly got up from the office computer chair as fast as I had sat down on it. I tried to keep my head down while I was walking to my 5th hour class. The last thing I wanted to do was run into the principal and get in trouble... for something I didn't even do. Suddenly, of course, I dropped all of my books on the floor. As I was picking them up, everyone emptied out of the hall and into their classrooms. As soon as I got all my books gathered into one pile, I heard footsteps coming my way. I forced myself not to look up. Suddenly, and purple converse shoe kicked over my books.

I looked up to a smiling girl. That girl's name was Kassie. That girl's name was evil. She looked down on me smirking, as I looked up at her helplessly and hopelessly. Oh, how I wish I would've said something to her. But I just sat there with my cluttered books as she walked away laughing.

When I picked up my books, I saw Jen standing there, the one I sat by at lunch that one time. "Hey, you okay?" she said smiling. Somehow, I just couldn't buy her generosity, but I at least let her offer it to me.

"Yes. I'm okay... I guess. Gee, what time is it? I bet I've missed half of my class by now!"

"It's okay, we have like 5 minutes left. So I heard," She looked at me with a smile. I gave her a puzzled look. "Oh, please, you know what I'm talking about! Liz's grades? That was fricken classic! Oh, you should'a seen her cry."

"I--I know. I did see her," I looked down at my feet while she described everything to me. I don't know how long we must have been standing there, but I was getting a little paranoid about missing class. She talked and talked, and I just nodded my head and snickered a few times.

Then at once, she stopped her story of Liz's misery and looked at me with a serious face, "Look, I know it wasn't you. And you've gotta prove it to the principal. You're little friend Kassie has the principal totally convinced it was you," then her smile came back on her face. "But I'm on your side, and I really hate Kassie. So if you need my help, or need me as a witness in court," we both smiled. "I'll be here for you." Then her head perked up and she said, "Let's have some lunch. Shall we?" I smiled hesitantly as we walked towards the cafeteria as the lunch bell rang.
Jen and I sat down at a table across from Kassie, and unfortunately, in front of the preps, who just kept talking about their hair and attire. I just kept staring at Kassie, who was whispering to her new friends.They all laughed and giggled inside their self-centered and indifferent world. "Ugh, ignore them. Their not worth your time," Jen said as she stuffed a chunk of jello into her mouth. I snapped out of my trance and looked at her.

"I just wonder if the principal will call me down today," I said as I stirred my food around with my spork. Jen sighed and we continued eating our lunch.

Jen just talked to me for the rest of the day about how much she hated Kassie. At the end of the day, I was at my locker, ready to leave. I headed towards the front door where my probably impatient mother awaited me. As I walked past the office, I could see from the corner of my eye the principal running towards me, and I tried to make a run for it by walking faster.

"Excuse me, Amelia? Can I have a word with you?" she principal blurted at me.

I kept making quick glances between him and my mom, and said, "Uh, my mother's waiting, so," I smiled and turned my back to him.

"Oh, just for a moment. I just wanted to ask you something," he started walking towards to office, thinking that I would be following him. I stayed for a second in the same place, but then held up my index finger to my mom, signaling her to wait a second. I followed the principal into the office where he closed the door behind me. Man, how I wished Jen was by my side.
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woo-hoo! finished with this chapter. comment! lol, yup Victoria, i used 'spork' lol