Status: Completed Story

High School Troubles

The principal's office

Trying to show my confidence, I sat down on the plum colored chair in the office. The principal sat across from me in his desk. He clasped his hands together and sighed, "Amelia, I suppose you heard about Elizabeth's grades today?" In my head, I started to get my story straight. Was I going to lie and say I was never a part of it, or would I tell him all about me and Kassie?

"Uh, yes sir," I shuffled my hands and decided to go with whatever came out of my mouth.

"Well, I'm going to cut to the chase," he said as he leaned forward in his chair, "I heard that you had snuck into school files, copied her grades, and spread them throughout the school. Is that true, Ms. Larson?"

"No, I did not do any of that Principal Pickette," It was true. Kassie went into the files, and she copied and distributed them. I wasn't lying.

The principal leaned back in his chair again, and swirled sideways, "Yes, I figured you wouldn't have done it. But I was informed that Elizabeth's file went missing in the time while you were in the office yesterday. So either you left the office while everything happened, or you witnessed and allowed it. But I know from your records that you probably wouldn't do either of those. Okay, to make it simple Amelia, do you know who did it?"

"Sir, it was Kassandra. I'm not sure of her last name, but it was her." The principal looked at me with a smirk and a confused face. Then, there were a series of long car horn coming from my mother's car.

"Okay, Amelia. I'll tell you what, you can go now, and I'll talk to you on Monday," he seemed to be lost in thought as I left the office.

"Thank you, goodbye, Mr Pickette," I said. He didn't respond. I ran out to my mother's car. She had sunk into her seat with impatience.

"What was that all about. It better have been important," my mother said, starting the engine.

"Well, the principal was just asking me about something that happened at school. Seems things are going on already. I just had to tell him what I'd heard about it," I tried to keep the whole situation from my mother, and this was the best I could do. She asked no questions, though. I felt terrible I was back to lying to my mother though.
That evening at home, I did my homework, walked Pookie, and had a family game night with my mom. It's just something traditional we do every Friday. This week, we played Monopoly. After that, I headed up to my room to check my e-mail. I clicked on the one new message I had. It was from Kassie surprisingly. She told me to not tell the principal about her plan "or else". I just thought, please, what can she possibly do? She can tell everyone I was part of it, but no one's going to believe her.

I deleted the e-mail, and thought nothing of it, and I fell asleep after watching a marathon of "Family Feud."
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okay, there's another chapter for ya! tell me what you think, please! I won't post another chapter unless you comment! =]