I Know You

Hello Mrs. Iero

Gerard's POV.

Finally I had at least a little 'my own' -time. Or actually I didn't, cause Quinn was jumping around me on the sofa.
I was drawing Frank. Frank in my pink shirt.
"Who's that?" Quinn said poking his head over my shoulder.
"Ooohhh it's Frank!" He continued.
I stayed quiet.
"It looks just like.." He said quietly.
I turned my head a little and smiled to him.
"You going home before the evening?" I asked.
"What? Don't you want us here?" Quinn asked fake-crying.
"No baby, I meant the others." I answered winking.
"Oh well in that case, I'll get them out right away.." Quinn said seductively and walked his fingers down my chest.


I waved to Quinn, Bert piggy-backing him and Jepha who were walking to the car to go at Quinns for the day.
Now I finally got my own time.
I sighed and stood still for a moment before decided to go for a smoke.
I went up to my balcony, dig a cigarette out of my pocket and light it. That's when I finally got to relax. I inhaled and exhaled the toxic smoothly eyes closed. When I finally after a few blows opened my eyes, I watched around me. My room and balcony were on the left side of the street-scene, so my room was facing Franks house.. I looked at the tree on the neighbour's yard. It was pretty beautiful.. It fit with the people living in the house.
I woke up from my thoughts when the window beside the tree opened and I saw a familiar face smiling to me.
"Hi." came from his mouth.
"Hi. That your room?" I asked.
"Yeah. Whatcha doing?"
"Not much.. Why?"
"Would you like to help me with my.. things?"
"Oh sure, I'll be there in a minute! Shall I go through the door or do I just climb up the tree?"
"Mom's gonna be suspicious if you don't use the door.." Frank laughed.
"Oh.. okay. See you soon!" I shouted and jumped of the balcony to run downstairs and get shoes on. I almost forgot my keys, but remembered just when I was locking myself out of the house. But I was at Franks door about in 20 seconds..
I rang the bell and smiled widely when it opened.
"Hello Mrs. Iero, how are you?"

Frank's POV.

I heard the front door open and came downstairs.
I found Gerard and my mom talking in the hall. When Gerard noticed me, he smiled and waved slightly. Mom looked behind her, towards me.
"Hi." I said coming down the last steps.
We stood there awkwardly a moment until mom clapped her hands and said:
"Okay. I should maybe leave you two boys alone. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."
After she had gone we stood still another moment until Gerard walked to the stairs groping my ass on the way. My eyes widened and I turned to look at him running the stairs up and winking to me while trying not to laugh at my face.
"Damn you bitch.." I muttered and ran after him.
I got upstairs and was drawing near him. I got his pants waistband and pulled him closer, then knocked us down on my floor. I was laying on his back and my hand was still holding his pants by the waistband. I started giggling and he tried to turn around under me.
"Frank get off of me! Frank! I'm serious!"
"Aaww, does it hurt somewhere?" I said and giggled some more.
"No.. but I don't like not seeing your beautiful face." He said rolling us both over and getting on top of me.
I stopped giggling and looked in his eyes. His eyes.. The beautiful color and long eyelashes. Wow are they really that long? then there were his milky skin.. Like porcelain. And the soft, pink lips I had touched with my own. I wanted to do it again. And again, and again and again.. Never stopping.
He was nearing me and tilting his head a bit. Our noses brushed together and I felt those heavenly lips touch mine.
World stopped, time stopped, everything stopped. Except us in our little living love-bubble. There was nothing around us. Only.. nothing. We kissed hungrily, but still slowly and beautiful. It wasn't some awful, wet and tasteless make-out session like in bad high school -movies. It was perfect, pure and beautiful. But our bubble broke, 'cause there really was living even outside of our little world. It was mom bringing this huge plate of her home-made chocolate cookies.
"Bad timing?" she asked teasingly smiling and handing the plate to me.
I mumbled something like a 'thank you' and she went back downstairs.
I stood up and closed the door.
"Sorry 'bout that.." Gerard muttered sitting on the floor his hair covering half of his face. I bet he was blushing again.
"Oh don't worry, she'll understand. She has never had any problem with my sexuality. Actually I think she likes me more as a gay than she would as a straight.. She's just got this image of gays being so lovely and all.. Se thinks every gay is like Quinn."
"Wow! My mom got in a shock and didn't touch me in a month when she got to know. And my dad.. Well he still doesn't hug me."
"Oh god.. I'm so sorry Gerard."
"No it's really nothing.. We never were that close anyway.."
"Aww, that's too bad."
"Yeah, sure. We should maybe get to work."
"Oh of course. Pick some box and just put the things where you want to. I don't really care."
He walked to the nearest box and opened it.
"Ha! I got the best box ever!" He shouted.
"Oh god, no!" I laughed and went to get my own box.
He giggled like a lunatic and started tossing contents of the box all over him.
"You really like my clothes that much?" I asked.
"Oh yeah, I love everything that involves you." he said still throwing my clothes everywhere.
"Okay, okay, but please don't destroy them, I really like some of them too."
"But if I ruin them all, you'll have nothing ton wear, and that's what everybody likes!"
"Gee you are a dirty, dirty boy!" I said crawling towards him.
He murmured seductively and laid down under me licking his lips.
"You're a whore." I said teasingly.
"Yes, yes, I'm a really bad boy, spank me!" He yelled like a maniac.
"I'm afraid I have to.."
"Ummhh yeah, torture me! I'm a bad boy!"
"..But you'd probably enjoy it a little too much." I said and got up to crawl back to my box.
"Noo you don't." He said and pulled me back by my waistband.
I decided to tease him, 'cause that was obviously what he wanted.
I put my hands on his chest and leaned my chin to them.
It was nothing, but what I did with the rest of my body, was something.