I Know You

I need to tell you something

Gerards POV.

We all turned to look at the yelling Frank. Berts mouth was still, or again, full of cookies and he tried to mumble something like 'what now'.
Frank was looking Quinn shocked as he held an yellow musical box with cute little bunnies on the cover.
"What?" Quinn simply asked looking at the box.
"IT'S NOT PINK!" Frank shouted and started laughing like a mad man.
"I'll show you some pink!" Quinn yelled and ran to attack Frank, but they ended up running through the floor yelling and screaming.
I sighed and finally decided to do something about things.
I took the cookie-plate and Quinns bag and walked out to the car. Of course Bert and Jepha followed the cookies and Quinn followed Bert. Frank just followed us all.
When we all were sitting nicely in the car, I finally drove us to Berts to get his stuff, which was pretty difficult with him carrying the cookies with him.. And then to Jephas, which was slow just because of his lazyness.
At the beach Quinn ran straight to the water, Bert ran after him and me and Jepha started camping us. Frank stood beside the car and stared. Stared at the ocean.
"What's up?" I asked approaching him.
"Um.. nothing." he said quietly turning his head down.
I knew something wasn't right.
"What is it Frankie?"
"You can tell me!"
"I already said it's nothing!" he snapped and stormed to our camp.

Later at night everyone was drunk and wet.
Frank hadn't packed his swimming pants so he swam in his underwear. Everybody liked that.
We were toasting marshmallows and Quinn had already burned out four of them, because he was too concentrated on kissing Bert, but when he saw the sugar melting off the stick he whined and told Bert to put there another one.
Frank was eating his own candy, head placed in my lap.
I watched him as he bit little peaces of the candy and chewed them. He was so cute I had to smile like an idiot.
His gaze met mine and for a moment we just stared each others. I totally forgot what was around us and bowed down slowly to kiss him. But he turned his head away and I remembered where we were.

Even later at night everyone was even more drunk, but actually we were dryer than earlier. Jepha was hunting hot guys and Bert and Quinn were somewhere making out, or maybe even more than making out, and I was on the pier with Frank.
He was sitting between my legs and laying his head on my chest.
I was stroking his hair and we were quiet. It wasn't awkward silence, it was good silence. Until it got broken by something even better:
"Hey.." Frank said.
"Huh? What is it?"
"Um.. nothing.. sorry."
"No need to apologize. Now tell me what is it, babe."
"Are you sure?"
"You can tell me anything."
"You mean like anything anything? Like that.. um.. like that I have a cancer and I'm gonna die tomorrow.. or something?"
"Nononono, it was just an example."
"Oh.. okay... Yeah, you can tell me anything."
"Um.. Well.. it's kinda weird.. So could you please promise you wont be disgusted or mad and leave me alone or something?"
"I promise, honey."
He was quiet for a moment until he opened his mouth to finally get it out.
"I.. I know you."