I Know You

I love you too

Gerard's POV.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked confused.
"I.. I.. Gerard I can't."
"Honey, what is it? Tell me, please!"
"I.. I knew you.. before I even saw you."
I didn't know what to say, I didn't understand. So I just kept it quiet.
"I.. um.. It's.. shit! Okay, I'm gonna get it all out now and here, you ready?"
I just nodded still confused.
"Well.. um.. yeah. It's just that when I lived in Chicago.. I.. I wrote about this guy.. His name was Gerard.. And he looked just like you.. And he was just like you.. I mean.. He is you! And.. I.. I fell in love with him.. I had created my dream. Yeah.. Then we moved.. And.. I met
you. First I just thought I was seeing things.. But then I got to know you a little and you were just like him and.. Fuck it. You are him. You can hit me, leave me, anything you like. Even when you promised you wouldn't.. I know this must be crazy and stuff.. I'd be freaked out of my body right now if I were you.. God I should just stop now."
I looked him shocked.
"H-how..?" came from my mouth.
But before he got to answer I filled his mouth with my tongue and kissed him more passionately than ever.
When we parted away, I took his head in my hands and looked in the eyes. His eyes were ready to cry, they were apologetic and hurt. They were miserable. I almost cried myself, watching him.
"I.. I.. I don't know what to say.." I whispered.
"Then don't.. say anything." He whispered back, almost crying.
"No.. no.. I have to. I have something to tell you too."
Then there came a sparkle in his eyes. Now they were hopeful. I was glad. Almost glad enough to cry.
"I.. I knew you too. I had been drawing you.. A lot. Actually I was sometimes off from school just to draw you.. And sometimes I didn't answer the phone if I was drawing you.. It was incredible! You.. you were so beautiful.. I draw you cooking, sleeping, reading, watching TV, showering, eating, walking.. - "
"WOW-WOW! Showering?" he asked interrupting.
"Ehm.. yeah.. sorry."
"No-no.. It.. It was just.. a surprise.. Go on."
"Okay.. Yeah. So I.. draw you. A lot. I never showed anyone my drawings.. But god how you were beautiful! And.. And then you moved next to my house.. And I thought I was seeing things! But I was so happy to see you and.. Yeah. I was so sure I just made you up. And I'm glad that Quinn dragged you to my place.. Cause I would've never had the courage to do that. And oh god yeah, I fell in love with you too. I mean.. even before I met you."
Frank looked me amazed. Then his lips started wobbling and eyes got wet. He hugged me tight and cried against my shoulder. I was so close to crying too.
We sat like that for a good ten minutes before he whispered:

"I love you, Gerard." to my neck and kissed it.
"I love you too, Frank." I answered whispering and kissed his forehead.

Franks POV.

I smiled and sniffed his neck, which gave him shivers.
He leaned back on his elbows and I went down with him.
We stared the beautiful night-sky. It was blue. Dark blue. Not black. I was glad it wasn't black. Black doesn't fit this moment.. Blue fits a lot better. Sun had set a good half an our ago but it was still beautiful and romantic.
We sat there silent, just letting it all sink in. I still hadn't totally comprehended that we had created each others.. I couldn't believe he called me beautiful.. And that he draw me doing.. everything.
I blushed at the thought, which I think Gerard saw..
Dragging steps on the sand interrupted our loving silence and we both turned to watch who was coming. I didn't know who he was.. or they. But Gerard apparently did, cause he tensed under me when he saw them.
"Well, well, Gerard. You little faggot found a new whore?" The blond guy on the front said. He wasn't good looking, tall or by any other kind attractive.
Behind him were 3 more guys. One was tall and skinny. His brown, greasy hair was hanging on every side of his head.
Then there was this cute boy with crystal-blue eyes. He was a bit taller than the blond on front. His hair was pretty short.
And then.. oh god what a cliche! There was this fat guy with big arms and a leather jacket. I guess he was there to scare people..
When I looked at them, I knew who they were. They were jocks from my new school. They were everyone's favorite and they played football or something.. And they were the guys that are gonna put me in the locker on the minute I get to school. Cause yeah, it's so funny. And I'm so short I actually fit there. I wanted to ask Gerard what size the lockers in their school were, but I decided against it. This wasn't the right time and place.
"Who is your new little plaything? Huh?" The blond guy continued.
"It's non of your business." Gerard mumbled.
"What did you say?"
"I said it's non of your business!"
"Oh.. Yeah, It's non of my business, but it's polite to answer when I ask nicely!" The blond guy said raising his voice. The fat guy behind him was rubbing his fists and grinning. It made me feel sick and I turned my face away from him.
Gerard was looking down at the playing water between the boards of the pier. I decided to be brave, and stood up wiping the sand off my jeans.
"I'm Frank. Good evening." I said lifting my hand for him to shake it.
He looked at my hand stunned and then grinned to Gerard.
"You've trained him pretty good!"
"Goddammit just go home already, you sick fuck!" Gerard yelled frustrated.
"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" The blond shouted angrily.
"Sick fuck." Gerard said standing up.
"Now you've done it! Mark!" he yelled and the fat guy came closer to Gerard, grinning crazy.
Then there was a shout from the beach and someone ran to the pier:
"Leave them alone!"
It was Bert.
The jocks looked first at Bert, then each others and finally ran away like scared deers.
"Wow.. You really beat their asses, or what?" I asked looking after the running guys.
"I guess you could say that.." Bert said and laughed on top.
"But really. I came to look for you guys, cause.. You were there pretty long ya know?"
"Yeah, but you should just be happy we didn't come to ruin your making out-session with Quinn." Gerard said.
"Mmh yeah. But he told me to go look for you guys.. Should we go back to the camp? We haven't gathered the tents up."
"Tents?" I asked.
They both laughed at me.
"Where did you except us to sleep? Under some boat?" Gerard asked smiling.
"Well.. I don't know.. But.. But I don't have a tent!" I whined.
"Oh honey, I do!" Gerard said winking.