I Know You

Take a banana

Franks POV.

Franks POV.

I must've fell asleep again, 'cause when I opened my eyes, we were already in the city. And then I actually got it. We were really moving. I looked out and watched people do their... things. They were just like everyone else in everywhere else. They were no different. It's gonna be just like before. No one's gonna like me. I'll just be the odd kid who moved to town. Then teachers will be asking me is everything okay and I'll have to tell them every time that I don't care, it's okay, I'm used to it. I watched people through the window when mom said: "Take a banana."

I hit my nose to the cold glass and asked "what?" in a shock. She said it again. "Take - a - banana." I looked her like a lunatic. "What was that?" I asked confused. "Nothing. I told you to take a banana. You must be starving.", she answered. "And that's all? Jeez, I hit my nose because of some stupid banana!" I sighed back to her and took the damn banana. She giggled the crazy mother-laugh she always does and turned to some kind of fancy-area of the town. I knew she bought a little too big house for us, and of course white, 'cause she has always dreamed about a white house with a beautiful garden and all, but.. In a place like this?

We passed some huge white building with a big, white block wall and a black gate. "That's your new school", mom said like it would be as normal as the banana I just ate. I stopped breathing in a shock and I think I even let out some crazy "iiiii.." -noise. She just laughed. I started stuttering some kind of words out of my mouth. "M-m-mo-mm! H-how c-could-d you? They're all just awful rich kids and you know I hate them! Isn't there any other school? Please, I'd rather even go to school in a different country then there!" She just kept smiling to herself and said "You'll get through it."
Oh, how I sometimes just hate her. Would someone like to change mothers?

When we finally came to our destination I sighed and leaned back to my seat, 'cause I didn't wanna come out and be seen in here. It felt like it would make me one of them. I know, I'm a bit prejudiced, but so are them! I watched mom motioning me to get out of the car. I sighed and turned to open the car door. When I turned, I saw my new neighbour. " WHAT?" was my first thought. I had to look again, 'cause I thought I saw Gerard!

I was in panic. Even if I watched a hundred and one times it didn't change! It was still Gerard in there. I turned and looked at the front seat trying to concentrate. When mom came and opened the door to rip me out of the car I yelled "BANSAAAAII" or something. I had no idea why. Then the "Gerard" in the neighbour turned to watch my way. And he was still my Gerard. Why couldn't the vision just get off from my eyes?

Mom looked me like I was some crazy old man asking her to pull his teeth out. (Which has really happened!) She asked me to help her with the boxes in the back of the car.
"Sure.." I said quietly and got out of the car. I took one big box, so the neighbours wouldn't see my burning red face and carried it inside trying not to stumble on some rock. When I was inside I put the box away and ran to the window. There he still was. I went to wash my face and then watched again. Oh good. It wasn't him anymore. It was just some skinny kid with glasses. Totally not my Gerard. Not like he wouldn't be skinny, but his existence was just so much different. So.. filling. You got that even from my writings.