I Know You

"I'll seduce you.. with skittles!"

Gerard's POV.

I wondered why did I take two sleeping bags. Frank looked disappointed when I gave him his, so I believe he was thinking the same.
"If you get cold or anyth -" I was saying, until he interrupted me.
"Oh sure I am!" He said and slid in my sleeping bag before I got there.
I looked him stunned and blinked few times.
"Oh get your ass down here and keep me warm!" He whined.
I got in there with him, still amazed. When I was settled he grinned and wrapped his hands around my waist pulling himself closer to me.
"Wow Frankie!"
"What? I told you I loved you, and now you don't let me cuddle with you?" He said looking me straight in the eye with his heart-braking, big, glossy eyes.
I awwed and hugged him.
"Oh of course I let you! Just don't get too exited."
"Why not? It's just us! And those two fuckers in the other tent, where they'll most certainly be all night!"
"Frankie-honey, I don't want our first time to be in a sweat-smelling tent."
"Oh c'mon! We're on the beach! Under the stars! It's a beautiful night! Isn't that romantic enough?"
"Mm.. Not for me."
Then there became a silence. Not bad one, but not a good one either. Just peaceful, tired silence.
Until Frank broke it.
"How do you even think your gettin' any?" He asked innocently and grinned at me.
"I'll seduce you.. with skittles!"
He looked stunned and his jaw had dropped.
"How'd you know?"
"Oh honey, don't you remember? I know you." I said and tipped his nose.
"Oh well then I guess you know what I wanted to wear in my grandfathers funeral.." He said tiredly.
"Well.. Actually I do."
He blushed furiously and turned his head away from me.
"Oow Frankiee! It's not that bad!"
I hugged him from behind and after a moment, he settled in my arms and I leaned my chin to his head. He took my hand in his and we clasped our fingers.
I was thinking. A lot. About Frank.. There in my arms.. I loved him there in my arms. I had him.. I had told him I loved him.. Oh god I had told him I loved him! But he said it back. And I believe him. Because I love him..
I love him..
And thinking that, I fell asleep, Frank in my arms.

Franks POV.

Mommy was so beautiful. I was watching her do her make-up. It wasn't so easy I guess.. 'Cause she was being sad and crying every five minutes. I wanted to comfort mommy, but when I had asked, she started crying again. I hope it's not me..
I was sitting on to floor besides the bathroom door. Watching mommy. She was beautiful. She had this black dress which went a little over her knees, and black satin shoes. Her hair was curled a little and she was wearing bright read lip-stick.
I liked dresses. They were graceful and moved beautiful if you carried them right. Especially I liked the hem. It spun nicely when you turned. It was always a little late from the moves.

"Mommy can I wear a dress?"

She just laughed and wiped her eyes from tears.

Gerard's POV.

I woke up Frank in my arms. Which is not a surprise, he sleeps pretty much all morning. And is totally not a morning person. I laid there with him about 30 minutes until I got bored. I slowly slid my hand from under him and backed out from the tent. When I got out and closed the "door" I sighed from relief. Then everything came darker and I looked behind me to see grinning Quinn. He was opening his mouth, but I succeed in covering it.
"Don't.. say.. anything." I whispered between gritted teeth.
"Mhm mnm?" he mumbled in my hand.
I dragged him away from our tent and took the hand from his mouth.
"Why not?" he asked when he got some air.
"Just let him sleep. Please. You don't know what'll happen if you wake him up."
He looked disappointed first, but then his eyes lit up.
"I was gonna ask him to swim with me.. Cause I can't get Bert up and Jepha's somewhere and.. So you're gonna have to come with me!"
"Wha - no!" I tried to refuse when Quinn was already dragging me to the sea.
"Quinn no! No, Quinny no! Quinnnn!" I whined.
He had this determined smile on his face and he just kept on pulling me. I tried to fight back and started yelling.
"Noo no-no-no! Quinnyyy, I don't wanna!" I shouted like a little kid who didn't wanna eat their vegetables.
"Mwihi. You're coming, yelling doesn't help at all."
"I tried to run but he pulled by my hips and threw me to the water. I sat there stunned, in my wet t-shirt and boxers. I looked at Quinn and an evil grin plastered on my face. He looked shocked.
"Gee-babyy.. Noo honey! Bad boy!" He yelled running around ahead of me. I jumped and got his waist, then dragged him to the sea.
He was shirtless, only wearing pink boxers. I pushed him completely under the water and then let go. He spattered up and shook his head, short blond bangs rocking around.
"Gee I hate you now!" He said, putting hands on his hips and staring me cruelly.
"I love you too honey!" I said walking towards our camp. I didn't wanna go and wake Frank, so I went to Bert and Quinn's tent, which smelled like a busy night, and took the first clean towel I saw.
I dried myself as much as could, and went to the beach-cafe to get breakfast.

"Um.. four coffees, one banana-chocolate-milkshake and.. five waffles with whipped cream and raspberries." I said to the cashier.
"That would be 20 dollars, sir." she said and smiled. [Authors note: I honestly don't know anything about American money, so don't blame me if it's too much or too little.]
I gave her the money and smiled.
"Thank you. It'll be coming soon, sir."
I sat in a table by the window. I saw Quinn had woke Bert up and he was crawling tiredly on the beach. Quinn was just running and yelling around everywhere. I hope he's not too loud.. Then my thoughts ran to yesterday evening. How we both had known each others before we even met.. Wow. This is like a dream.. or a movie. Or something. Just crazy. Maybe I should make sure I didn't see a dream or something. My thoughts broke off when the cashier-lady came with my orders.
"Here you go, sir." she said and smiled again.
"Oh, thank you." I said and took our breakfast.
"Have a nice day" the lady said waving.
"Oh I will!"
And I will.