I Know You

Animal rights

Gerards POV.

I looked myself once more before leaving the house.
I was wearing the red jeans that Frank loved, a black button-up shirt and a red tie. And I must admit, I looked pretty fuckable.
After leaving my room, I walked out, glancing myself (this time really for the last time) from the hallway-mirror.

I rang the door-bell. Then I heard running in the stairs. The lock turned in the door and I was met with a grinning Frank.
"You ready?" I asked, smiling back at him.
"Uh-huh." He said, leaning to the door-frame and putting on his black converse.
While he did, I studied his looks.
Plain, black t-shirt with long sleeves, those green jeans we were talking about, and a black sweater hanging on his shoulder. I guess it was for later, if it comes cooler.
When he had his shoes on, he smiled and locked the door behind him. He didn't say goodbye, so I assume his mother wasn't at home. Great!
"Shall we?" I asked, holding my hand like a cavalier.
"Oh so I'm the girl now?" Frank asked, but still took my hand like a woman.
We walked to my car and I drove us to an Italian restaurant. The place is perfect, 'cause they are vegetarian-friendly, the view is beautiful and we both love Italian food.
"Wow! I love this place already!" Frank announced as soon as he saw the menu.
He had a hard time deciding what to take, but finally ended up with vegetable-lasagna. When I ordered my not-so-vegetarian-food, and the waiter was gone, he was ready to rant me about animal rights.
"Honey, I know.." I said and put my hands on his.
He looked shocked, then softened.
"But still.."

After eating, we argued about paying. I demanded to pay all myself, but Frank told me he wanted to pay his share. I finally gave in cause I had an idea. I took his money and sent him to the restroom.
When he came back, I had paid and we went out to walk. It was a nice street besides the beach. Frank ran to the cold, dark sand pulling me with him. We walked there holding hands. (Yeah I know, it's a clichée!) Then we went to sit on the beach, Frank in my lap.
I slipped something into Franks back pocket.
He turned his head to me and took piece of paper out of his pocket.
"Gee what is this? You think I'm some hocker or something?"
"No, sweety. It's your money."
He took awhile to realize the situation.
"Gee, I told you I wanted to pay my share!"
"Yes, I heard you. But I wanted to pay."
"Jeez, that make me even more a girl!"
I giggled.
"Now take the money!" He demanded handing me the folded piece of paper.
"No, I won't." I said quickly.
"Take the damn money!" Frank said.
"I woon't!" I said, stood up and started running away from him, giggling.
He chased me for a good ten minutes, then gave up and sighed:
"Okay, okay, just come back here, I'm missing you!"
"Aaaww." I said, slowly coming back to him.
I slid my hands in his back pockets and kissed the tip of his nose.
"Wanna go home now?" I asked, leaning my forehead against his.
His face lit up and his mouth curved into a huge smile from ear to another.
He nodded smiling.