I Know You

An ex-boyfriend

Gerards POV.

Wow. That was something.. I mean really something.

We cuddled for about 15 minutes until I got up.
"What?" Frank asked and looked me like an abandoned puppy. I smiled at the view, sliding in my boxers and jeans.
"I'll be right back." I said already on the door.
I heard Frank mutter something like 'that's what they all say'.
Then I ran downstairs.

I came back up with a tray.
When I got to Franks room his back was facing me and he already had boxers and a tee-shirt on.
"Hey whore, get back to bed!" I commanded and Frank jumped in surprise, 'cause he obviously didn't hear me coming back.
"Wow, man! That really scared the shit outta me!" Frank said as he climbed onto the bed shaking a little.
I just smiled and made my way next to him. He looked first at me, raising an eyebrow, then at the tray softening his look a little.
"Aaaww, How'd you know?" He sighed and kissed my cheek.
"I know you." I said lovingly and tipped his nose.
"So here's your 'after sex' -hot chocolate, honey." I said and handed him the steamy mug.
He was so cute, sitting bowed over the mug, holding it in two hands and blowing the hot liquid.
He was just so adorable.
I just stared at him and after a moment he noticed it.
"What?" he asked, blushing a little.
"Nothing. You're just so cute."
"Oh.." He said turning back to his mug, blushing.
I smiled and took my own mug.
"Wow, this is really good! What is it here?"
"Ehm.. I put some cinnamon there.. I couldn't find anything else.. I like it better with mint."
"Mm. I like this.. So what's in yours?"
"Oh it's just coffee."
We sat there silent just drinking and rolling mugs in hands, before Frank broke the silence.
"You know, we'd make a really good couple.. You with your drinks and me with my food." He said and grinned at me.
I blushed, but smiled.
"But.." I continued.
"What?" he asked.
"Aren't we like.. a couple already? I mean.."
"Hmm.. I haven't thought about it.. Maybe we are.."
"Well, um.. Frankie. Would you be my boyfriend?"
"I'd love to!" he said and kissed me quickly.
I.. I have a boyfriend! It feels great.
I slowly smiled to myself and drank the left of my coffee.
"You know what else I've got?" I said excitedly, impatiently waiting for Franks answer.
"Huh?" he asked, putting an empty mug on the nightstand.
I slowly pulled up a bag of skittles and saw something click in Franks head and he looked at the bag like he loved it more than me.
"You want them more than me?" I asked pouting.
Frank just nodded, still staring at the bag.
"I think that's a wrong answer." I said and pulled the bag out of Franks reach.
He looked like I just broke his heart. He looked me sadly in the eyes and whimpered pointing to where I had put the bag.
I laughed at him.
"Kiss me, fool." I commanded, hiding the bag behind my back with one hand, with the other I pulled Franks jaw closer to mine.
Frank kissed me eagerly whimpering in my mouth.
Giving up the kiss, I whispered to his lips:
"Good boy."

I spent all night feeding and teasing Frank with the skittles, until we fell asleep together, him laying on my chest.

We, or actually I, woke up to my cell ringing. It was mom.
She needed me for something at home.. I mean, she really told me she 'needed me for something' so I had to go home.
I shook Frank gently.
"Frank. Frankie! Frankie wake up."
He groaned and opened his eyes slightly, then smiled when he noticed me.
"Honey, I have to go, mom just called."
"Mm.. What's the clock?"
"I dunno. Um.. WHAT?! It's only nine? Jeez.."
Frank smiled lazily.
I kissed him and put a shirt on.
"Will I see you today?" I asked.
"Hope so." Frank said sleepily.
I smiled and told him to get some more sleep.
I sneaked out of the house as quiet as possible, 'cause I thought his mother would already be home, which she didn't. Or at least not with her own car..

Franks POV.

I woke up when a ray of sun hit my eyes. I groaned and rolled over on my other side and blindly looked for another body with my hands. When I totally couldn't find it, I opened my eyes to face the truth: Gerard was gone.
But then it came to my mind, he had left earlier.. Yeah, his mom called or something..
Then I heard my mom stumping around downstairs, babbling like an old woman. Which she pretty much was.. Not that old, but.. Then I heard another voice. A male voice! Somehow it was pretty familiar voice, but I didn't care before mom decided to attack my room.
I was still in bed and half asleep, but turned my head to see who it was on the door.
There was mom.. and a man. and.. a boy. A boyfriend. An ex-boyfriend!