I Know You

Frankie, who is it there?

Gerards POV.

I was bored out of my pants and it was just two o'clock! When mom had called, she only needed me to look is her new painting hanging straight on the wall! She didn't need to wake me up for that! Jeez.. But after I convinced mom it's straight, she left to work, two hours late. Well I guess it didn't matter anyway, it's her own company..
After she left, I took a long shower, changed my clothes like a million times, ate breakfast, tried to draw, watched TV and just rambled around the house. I was actually pretty near cleaning, I was so bored.
When it was two o'clock, I decided Frank was already out of bed.
I didn't call him, 'cause I thought it would be better to me to get at least a little fresh air, and if he would refuse seeing me, or something, he could do it face to face.

I walked up to their door and rang the bell.
I heard kids screaming and lazy steps nearing the door.
Then it opened and Frank really looked surprised by the scene.
He closed the door behind him and then stood in front of me, only socks in his feet.
I smiled at him, and he replied by the same gesture.
"Hi." I said
"Hi." He replied.
"So.. What ya doing?"
"I'm baby-sitting.. blah.." Frank said and rolled his eyes.
"Don't you like kids?"
"Yeah, I do, but there's.."
"Frankie, who is it there?" came from the house, then the door opened and I saw a boy about the same age as me and Frank.
"Oh, hey." he said.
"Um.. hey?" I said and gave a surprised look to Frank. He looked away biting his lip.
"So who are you? I'm Davey, Frank's boyfriend." the boy said.
I stopped breathing.
"Ex-boyfriend!" Frank snapped.
I sighed and turned Frank around, then slid my hands around him.
"I'm Gerard, Frank's boyfriend." I said and smiled to Davey.
Frank stood there blushing, holding my hands where they were.
Davey first looked at me, then at Frankie. I could see jealousy in his eyes.
I knew who he was, but I never draw him, so I didn't know what did he look like.
Oh, c'mon! Who would want to draw someone he loves, with another guy? Or I mean, the other guy like at all!
Certainly not me.
A voice brought me back from my thoughts.
"Well then, Gerard, would you like to join us with our baby-sitting?" Davey asked.
"Um, sure." I said and let Frankie go.
But he didn't wanna go. He was holding onto my sleeve. It was so cute.
I kissed a line from his collar bone to his ear and whispered:
"How long is he going to be here?"