I Know You

Rose and Blossom

Gerard's POV.

I felt pretty distressed by Davey being there all night, but except that, it went well. I love kids, and they loved me. I played with the kids while Frank did lunch and Davey 'helped' him in the kitchen. Yeah, sure...
I was whacked out of my thoughts by Rose, the younger one, hitting me with a barbie-camera. It gave a nice voice and I'm sure it'd at least be red as a fireman, if not bruised.
"Oowww" I shouted and looked angrily at Rose.
"You don't do things like that, you hear me! That hurts, and hurting other people is wrong!"
But she just giggled.
Frankie plopped his head out oh kitchen and when he saw me rubbing my temple, he came to me with a 'poor thing' -look on his face. He kissed my wound and stroked my hair.
"You okay?" he asked me.
"I am now." I said and gave a weak smile.
"Rose! You apologize Gerard now! It's not right to hurt others and you know it!" Frank yelled at the girl.
She looked at me adorably sad. I almost awwed, but remembered what she did to me.
"I'm sowwy uncle-Gelalld" she said and looked at me with puppy dog eyes and bottom lip pushing almost out oh her face.
"Aww. You have my forgiveness. But only this time!" I said, trying to be serious, but failing miserably.
She went back to her playing like nothing had happened. Her big sister Blossom (I seriously feel pity for these kids for their names!) giggled.
"DAVEY!! Come and do something about these brats, they're yours!" Frank shouted and stood up. Then he gave his hand to me and lifted me up. Davey came to living room and watched his demonic sisters while Frankie and I walked to kitchen holding hands.

After lunch, we put Davey's sisters to sleep, which I doubted, cause clock was already so much and they wouldn't get sleep at night. But Davey just said it would be his fathers problem then, so I didn't mind.
We were playing monopoly in Franks room and Frank was winning. He's some witchy bitch when it comes to board games.
Frank got so full of himself that he started throwing his 'money' in the air and grinning devilishly while yelling "I'M RICH, I'M RICH! KISS MY BOOT YOU POOR HUSTLERS!"
Davey and I looked at each others sighing.
When Frankie had teared us totally out of money and bought the whole board for himself, he insisted on watching the Nightmare before Christmas. Of course we gave in because, the movie is absolutely one of the best ones, and no-one can resist Frankie's pleading look.
He went downstairs to get some snacks and Davey started asking about our relationship.
"So.. How long have you been together?"
"A day or so.."
"A day?"
"Yeah.. Something wrong with that?"
"No, no.. Then how long have you known him?"
I didn't know how to answer.. I had just met him under a week a go, but.. I've known him for a bit longer.. and I know everything that has ever happened to him.
"Umm.. pretty long."
"Okay.. So.. how'd it go?"
"He moved to my neighbour and my friend dragged him to my place and we was a few nights with me then we went to a date and here we are."
"Oh.. And.. you've known him for a long time?" Davey asked confused.
"Long story."
We stayed quiet for a moment until he spoke again.
"Frankie's pretty special.."
"Yes, he is."
"He was important to me.. still is."
"Um.. okay. He is very important to me too." I said pretty irritated.
He looked quickly at the door, then came closer to me, staring in my eyes all the time.
When he was close enough, he placed his face over my shoulder, so his mouth was beside my ear.
"If you hurt him, If you make one wrong move, I.. I will take him from you." He whispered sharply.
I watched him in horror.
"I.. I would NEVER hurt Frankie! And I, I love him! I just want his happiness! If he's not happy with me, I willgive up on him." I shouted at him, spit flying.

Frank's POV.

I was coming back up when I hard yelling from my room.

"I.. I would NEVER hurt Frankie! And I, I love him! I just want his happiness! If he's not happy with me, I will give up on him."

I creaked the door open and saw mad Gerard yelling at Davey. I stood there stunned and then started stuttering words:
"I-I.. I l-love you too.. Gerard."
He turned to look at me, obviously noticing my presence just now.
I felt my self blushing, and started fiddling the tray in my hands.
Gerard stood up and I bit my lip, lowering my head down.
He came to me and took the tray from my hands and put it down, leaving my nervous hands only each other to fiddle.
Then he placed his hands to my chin and lifted my head to meet his glossy, loving eyes.
Then he moved very fast and kissed me with passion I had never felt before. I whimpered in his hands and lost my balance. Gerard didn't let me fall, he grabbed my hair and backed us to the wall so I could lean against it.
We kissed there heatedly and the whole world disappeared from around us. It was just us now.
Until Davey's coughing brought us back from the clouds.
I blushed and started fiddling my hands and biting my lip again.
Once again, Gerard lifted my head and smiled.
"I know it was hard for you. And it meant a lot to me."
Then he let go of me and jumped on my bed.
After a moment of me just standing there, Gerard broke the silence.
"So, Frank what are we waiting for? Santa Claus?"

Please, don't be mad at Davey. He just loves Frank, who wouldn't?