I Know You

First meeting

Gerards POV.

"BANSAAAII" came out of the car on the neighbours driveway. I jumped from the fright and turned to look at the car. The person inside (who had yelled) looked somehow familiar. I stayed like that staring the car until they came out. I think I stopped breathing at that point. It was just like him! Just like Frank. He walked the same way, his hair was (as much as I saw it) the same. He even had the same clothes I draw him yesterday! That's when Mikey came out and busted me gazing the neighbour boy. I bet he was going to say something slick but I just walked inside telling him I needed some cold water.

Mikeys POV.

Gerard was really odd. Is everything alright with him?
Well, anyway when the neighbour kid came out I waved him smiling to like.. make him welcome. Then I went inside to look for my calculator which Gerard had took again without my permission. I looked at the desk and the drawers but didn't find it. I yelled for Gee and wondered where had he gone.
Oh my god, was he in shower? Well, I guess he needed the cold water on his whole body. Which I don't wanna think about.
I was now looking under his bed, 'cause there is usually always something that's mine, but I only found some dirty clothes and a sketchbook. I started flipping it through.
What? Jeez, he already drew our new neighbour!

Gerards POV.

When I had showered enough (almost too much) the neighbour kid was still running in my head. So I decided I'd clear it up as soon as I got clothes on.
When I was putting a shirt on, Mikey came by and looked me shocked. "Are you really gonna put that yellow shirt on?" he asked. "Bert's coming tonight." I said like it would explain everything. And it actually did: "Oh. Well then." He was already half way going, but asked "But.. Isn't Quinn coming too then?" "Well obviously he's coming if his dear Bert is going somewhere, what did you think?" I answered. "Nothing..." came from the mouth of the boy drifting away.
I pulled on my red converses and sneaked out again. I crawled to the hedge and peeked at the yard. Ha! There he was. Moving that as.. uhm.. that box so beautiful. Just like my little Frank would. I hope I'm not just day-dreaming. And if I'm not, I'm so gonna have him. There the ass goes again.. I felt something wet on my chin. It was my tongue. I pulled it back in really quick so no one would notice it. But someone did.

Franks POV.

I must be all mixed up, 'cause I saw Gerard again. Soon I'm gonna think my mom is Gerard! But anyway the 'Gerard' was peeking behind our hedge so I started slowly approaching him. (or her, I don't know 'cause all I can see is Gerard) He saw me and stared like a lunatic. I crouched at his level and asked is everything alright. He started chewing a leaf of the what-ever-plant was it on the hedge. I was still staring him crazy and then he finally opened his mouth to talk. "I.. I'm.. um.. chewing this leaf!" he said. "Um.. I can see that, but isn't that like.. poisonous?" I asked. "Oh is it? Thanks for telling me." He said and lauhged akwardly after. I continued staring him and we stayed akwardly quiet for few moments. Then he jumped up and asked my name.
I stood up but still having to look a little upper to face him.
"Frank." I said. "Huh, wha.. Oh yes. yes.." He said almost like forgetting his question already. "Well hello, Frank, I'm your new neighbour, Gerard." He said smiling and hold his hand out for me to shake it. I got in shock after hearing his name and couldn't do anything else than stare. He was almost asking me am I okay when I stuck my hand up and shook hands with him.