I Know You


Frank's POV.

When I got to collapse on my stomach on Gerard's soft bed after a long shopping-day I felt like in heaven. Gerard's tender scent filled my nostrils and I sighed in satisfaction.
Then I felt the mattress bouncing a little when another body 'oomphed' next to me on the bed.
I smiled at him lazily and rolled under his arm. It was cozy there, beside Gerard. I snuggled there and rubbed my cheek on his chest.
He chuckled and stroked my hair.
Nyaawn it's so cozy..
I'm pretty sure I purred or something cause Gerard chuckled again.
"Don't do that.." I yawned.
"'Cause you're making me fall asleep." I said quietly, eyes closed.
"Aaww, little Fwankie's falling asleep. Cute."
I yawned again, then snuggled a little closer if it was even possible anymore.
Then fell asleep.

Gerard's POV.

The boy was so cute just lying there in my arms. I stroked his hair until I heard his breathing become steady.
Then I carefully slid my arm from under him and covered him with a blanket, then kissed his nose.
I walked up to my door then watched over my shoulder at the sleeping form on my bed.
I didn't realize I had been staring at him until I heard the front-door open and close. I closed my door and walked downstairs to find a hangovery Mikey.
"Mikey?" I asked.
"Humm?" He said, hanging his head down, taking off his shoes.
"Are - Are you okay?" I asked concerned.
I didn't actually get an answer, except for Mikey running to bathroom and throwing up.

After Mikey got to empty the contents of his stomach, I got an explanation to his hangover.

"Mikey what's going on?"
"What do you mean?" He tried asking like nothing had happened.
"You know damn well what I mean!"
"I.. I was just at friend's.. We.. we drunk a little. That's all."
"Mikey, you know I don't believe that shit."
"Oh come on! If you don't tell me anything, then why should I tell you?"
I froze. What did he mean I didn't tell him anything? I did.. Well, not recently..
"I do! Just.. not.."
"Yeah, not recently! Then when the fuck were you gonna tell me you're dating my neighbour?"
"Hey, my neighbour too!"
"Um.. I dunno.. When I had time I guess?"
"You know, you could charge some time for you brother!"
"Mikey.. I.. I'm sorry.. Is.. is tonight okay?"
"Mmh.. Isn't Frankie upstairs?"
"Not anymore." Said a sleepy voice from the door.
"Oh hey Frankie." I said.
"Hi." He said quietly.
Then there was an awkward little silence until Frankie spoke again.
"I.. I can go you know.. Like.. You'd get some brother-time together."
He was already heading off to the door but Mikey pulled his hand back.
"No." He said.
Frankie looked at him weirdly.
"I.. I'd like to get to know you.. 'Cause.. my.. my brother seems to like you very much.. I.. I'd like to know you too." He said and blushed.
A smile plastered on Frankie's face.
"Okay. So what should we do?" He said pulling a chair out for himself and sitting down next to Mikey.