I Know You

"So, Frank.."

Gerards POV.

Aww he is so Frank. So cute, so innocent.. ..on top.
A shout interrupt my thoughts. "Geebaby!" I felt something run into me and bite my ear. Yeah, that's Quinny. I turned around to see Bert walking towards me smiling. When I had turned, Quinn of course turned with me. So he was now behind me and already asking me who was the hottie on the other side of the hedge. I looked behind me and saw maybe the worlds cutest thing: Frank blushing. Suddenly I remembered the first picture of blushing Frank I had drawn. But back in point. I smiled to Frank by force and told Quinn he is my new neighbour, Frank. Quinn was watching and circling Frank like he was museum property. Then he asked had I already asked him to join us. That's when Frank raised his head and watched me with shiny eyes. I could've melted there.
"Frank, would you like to spend your evening with us?" I asked as polite as I ever could. "Pleeease Frankie-babyy?" Quinn whined and made the puppy eyes -look. "Um.. I should maybe help my mother unpack the boxes.." But Quinn had already pulled him over the hedge (hehee, it's a movie!) and forced him forward, closer to me. I led him inside and told him who was who. I looked behind us and saw Quinn ready to squeeze Franks ass and he had his tong out of his mouth too. So I wasn't the only one wanting to do that. But before he could reach Franks perfectly moving bottom Bert caught him and pulled his hips telling Quinn to leave Frank in peace. "No, no, no. Naughty boy, Quinny. Wrong man!"

Franks POV.

It was pretty weird how they just took me with them. But I didn't complain. I wasn't sure how I should react to their kindness. It was new to me. Where I used to live, nobody was friendly to me, I had no friends. But these guys were taking me straight in. And I was actually starting to believe that I really had met my Gerard. That he was alive. A living creature. A living god..
Anyway, after Quinn had pushed me sitting on the little sofa and conquered the bigger one to himself and Bert, he told Gerard to get sodas for us.
Then he started the examination: "So, Frank.." He paused for a moment. "You just moved, huh? Where are you from?" And before I could even answer he yelled for Gerard "Gee-baby what's taking you so long? Do you need some help there?" and winked me. I looked at Bert who was telling me with gestures that his boyfriend is totally mixed up. "No, my little princess. You can just relax, I can handle it." came Gerards answer from the kitchen. Quinn smiled self-satisfied and continued questioning me. "Oh yes, did you already answer my question, I'm so sorry I interrupted you. Go on, please."
Hell, that talking. I thought it would never stop. I'd never get that much out of me. "Um.. I lived in Chicago." I said. "Wow! Cool! I loved the movie! Have you seen it? Is there really a womens prison in Chicago?" he asked. "Hey, give the kid a little peace", Bert tried to calm Quinn. "Oh shut up, puppy. Hes not a kid. How old are you anyway Frank?" Quinn answered to Bert and asked me. "I turn 17 on halloween." I said between Quinns laughes. Bert started to tickle him furiously after the 'shut up, puppy'. "Is that why you tattooed that on your fingers?" Bert asked me and pointed his head towards my hand. "Uhuh.." I answered.
When Gerard finally got back in the living room he had 4 bright red drinks with him. He offered the first glass to me. I took it doubtfully and Gerard said "Don't worry, there's no alcohol." and winked. "But here is." He whispered to me and pointed the glass he was gonna give to Quinn. He gave the sodas to Bert and Quinn and waited till Quinn had drunk it. Then Gerard started laughing like a maniac and was soon on the floor. Bert looked like he new what was goin on. "Oh no, not again! Gerard, did you have to?" He said irritated. Quinn looked like he would already had like 30 beers. He swung there a moment and started laughing too. Or actually giggling. He was like a little girl in an amusement park. Bert slapped his forehead.
Gerard was getting up from the floor, but still laughing. He put his hands on my knees and looked me in the eyes trying to calm down. He took a big breath and started speaking. " I'm.. uhm.. sorry.. a-about this." Trying to hold back the laugh which was trying to get out of his mouth. "Do you want anyth- ..." The door-bell interrupted his sentence and everybody turned to the door. "Aaaww that must be Jepha-babee.." Quinn yelled a little too loud from the floor and crawled to the door. He opened it and hugged the legs of the guy outside.
"Yo, you already started the party without me? Woow, who's that hottie on your sofa that you're already molesting, Gee?"