I Know You


Frank's POV.

I giggled.
"Easy, tiger. The night's still young."
He growled at me and pressed his crotch to my thigh to prove his point.
I just laughed and shook my head.
I rocked my hips with him for a few more minutes, amused by his obvious pout. He was so cute!
"I'm thirsty, you coming?" I shouted over the music and let go of his hips.
He just nodded and took my hand as I led the way to the kitchen.
There, in the kitchen, was three giggling guys.
One, Quinn, who had obviously taken more than one too much.
Two, Riggie, who was clinging to Quinn to keep from falling.
Three, Jepha, who was almost dying in a laughter, holding his belly and leaning over a chair to stay up.
"Fraaankiiieee" hollered a drunken voice from the table.
I turned my head and gave Quinn a questioning look.
"You dyed your hair!" He shrieked and giggled after, Riggie joining the giggle.
I stared at them, then looked at Gerard behind me.
He shrugged and gave me a beer.
I shrugged at him and drank the beer with one swift gulp.

In a moment, I was as drunken as Quinn.
Yes, I only said Quinn, 'cause Riggie had sobered up a bit.
Gerard was keeping his hands around my waist as I giggled with Quinn over the most stupidest things, but was forced to let go when me and Quinn stood up on the table and started singing in with the 'oops I did it again' -mix that was playing in the living room.
He was staying pretty sober but had a few beers every now and then.

After awhile Riggie whispered something to Gerard, which made him blush.
He looked down in his pants and blushed even deeper.
"OH MY FUCKING G - GERARD!" Quinn shouted.
Gerard quickly withdrew his hand out of his pants and looked at Quinn shocked.
Quinn was pointing at Gee's crotch open mouthed, drool dripping from the corner of the mouth.
I giggled when I realized what he meant.
He had noticed the red hair that pushed out of his pants.
"I like it that way. Don't you?" I said to Quinn.
He grinned wide and nodded at me.
Then he jumped down from the table and went to search for Bert.
Gee came sitting there next to me on the table and kissed me.
"Mm what's the clock?" I asked against his lips when he pulled away.
"About two am, why?" Gee asked after glancing at the clock.
"No reason, now let's go and make the most of the night!" I said and jumped down and then grabbed his hand, swaying my hips towards the door.
He smirked at me and put his coke down on the table before following me back on the dance floor.

People started leaving and passing out under tables and behind sofas when me and Gee collapsed on the sofa, totally worn out from heated dancing.
..If you could call it dancing.. It was practically just making out and rocking a little to the beat of the music.
But the tiredness didn't lower the atmosphere. At least not mine, I was still so in the mood. And by what I was feeling, so was Gerard.
I kissed him hungrily before pulling his head back by his hair and moving to his neck.
"Is the guestroom ready?" I asked.
"I.. Uh.. hope so.." Gee panted as I pressed down on the bulge in his pants.
"Let's check it out." I said and dragged Gee upstairs.