I Know You


Gerard's POV.

When I woke up, I had only one thing in my mind and that was 'COFFEE!'.
Then I turned around and my mind was occupied by a totally different thing.
He was cute. He laid on his stomach and his face was tilted towards me. He had a cute little frown on his face and he was breathing through his nose, which made a cute little snorting -voice.
I was on the verge of 'awwing'.

When I finally got my eyes off Frank and got up, I wish I hadn't.
I had never felt a pain like that.
It was like every muscle in my body was aching, except for my hands.
I winced with every step I took and I had to stop after about five steps to breathe.

After I finally got myself downstairs into kitchen without ripping my ass apart or stepping on people, I swore to god, if there wasn't any coffee I wouldn't be aware of the consequences.
But god yes, THERE WAS!
I hugged the random hangovery dude that was standing by the coffee machine and danced around the kitchen in search of a clean mug.
I didn't actually even realize the pain in my ass when I danced, I was just so happy.
Oh, coffee, coffee, my love!
If Frank didn't exist, I would marry a coffee-mug.
But I'm glad he is, 'cause I don't wanna see myself making out with a mug.
I'm scaring me!
I sat down on the table with my mug and wondered where Quinn was.
He had to be awake. It was like.. 11 o'clock already.
Then he jumped up behind me and skipped through the kitchen to get more soda from the fridge.
"God, Quinn, it's not even noon yet and you're already up with a sugar-high?"
He just giggled.
"Did you see Frank asleep? He was SO cute! I was so gonna fuck him right there, but I guessed he was totally spent from the night's events.." Quinn said, sipping his soda.
"So I hope that means you didn't wake him up?" I asked worriedly.
"Oh noo I didn't. But I should maybe go and do it." He said an jumped off the counter top.
I was gonna prevent him but he was long gone when I raised my hand.
I knew it was late when I heard Frank's annoyed groan-scream and something being thrown at a screaming Quinn.
He ran downstairs and jumped on my lap.
"I told ya." I said with an 'I-told-you-so' look on my face.
Then I sighed and gulped down the rest of my coffee.
"I should probably go and talk to him.." I said and pushed Quinn off me and stood up.
I took another mug from the cabinet and poured some coffee in it.
Then I started searching for aspirin, but didn't find any.
"Quinn?" I asked.
"Yeah honey?" he chirped.
"Where's the aspirin? 'Cause if you don't have any, we're fucked." I said and gulped.
"Oh. Yeah, it's on my night-stand. You know how Bert won't get up without it.." Quinn said.
I nodded and went for the stairs, Quinn following close behind me.
When we passed by the door to the guest-room, Quinn let out a little whimper and clung to my hand. I laughed and walked to Quinn's room to get the aspirin.
When Quinn tried to get to the guest-room with me, I turned to him and gave him a look that told him to keep out until I told him it was okay. Which would be like never.
I walked carefully to the bed and shook Frank a little. He was now back towards the door.
He just threw his hand up to hit me in the face, but I got it before it got me.
Then he turned around frustrated and groaned at me, trying to hit me with the other arm. I got it too.
I pinned his hands over his head and straddled his legs too by sitting on him. Then I bowed my head down just millimeters from his mouth and let my breath ghost there a moment before slowly tilting my head and pushing my lips to his, pulling at his lower lip with my teeth and slipping my tongue in his mouth when the gap between his teeth was big enough.
He moaned a little into the kiss and relaxed.
I let go of his hands and felt them lazily wrap around my neck as mine went to wonder around under his shirt.
When I pulled away, flushed, Frank let out a little whining whimper and blindly (he hadn't opened his eyes even once since I came in) waved his hand in front of him to catch my face.
I giggled and got off of him.
Then I leaned back on the bed and pecked his lips.
Then I giggled again and opened the curtains.
He opened his eyes reluctantly and pouted at me.
"No more kisses for the princess before he gets up." I said and grinned at him.
He groaned and turned around in the bed.
"There's aspirin and coffee on the night-stand." I said and left the room and just barely dodged a pillow he threw at me.