I Know You

Only 11.23

Frank's POV.

I heard Gee's feet shuffle down the stairs and groaned in frustration.
That guy could be so annoying in times.
I turned to the night-stand and watched the clock.
JEEZ MAN! Only 11.23?
I'm gonna get them for waking me up this early.
Then I turned my side again and adjusted to get some more sleep when my cell started ringing.
I had had it, I screamed from the top of my lungs and threw the blanket off me, starting to look for my jeans that flew somewhere last night.
Mm.. last night.. I smirked and licked my lips as I thought about that.
But then I focused on finding my jeans again.
I found them from the window-sill and just when I got it out of the pocket that had turned around, it stopped ringing.
It was so frustrating!
This is not gonna be a good day!
I checked who had called me. Mom, great.
I called her back to get an explanation. She knew she shouldn't be ringing me at this time of the day.
Normally I'd be still asleep.
But noo, they won't let me!
My conversation with myself was stopped by mom answering the phone.
"Hello?" she said.
"You called.." I yawned.
"Oh yes! I actually had some very exciting news!" Mom said a little too excitingly.
"Yeah? And what's that?" I asked with a dull voice.
When she told me her 'exciting news' I froze. I would've dropped my cell if I didn't have such a death-grip on it.
"Honey, you still there?" came mom's distant voice from the other end of line.
"Ye-yeah.. I.. uh.. gotta go.. Bye." I said and ended the call.
This is so not gonna be a good day!

Gerard's POV.

We were in kitchen drinking coffee and laughing at the memories of yesterday with the people woken up.
Then I heard someone pat down the stairs and then that someone flew in the kitchen and ran in my arms.
Though it was more like he ran me into his arms, 'cause he was now tightly hugging my waist.
I looked at him, shocked.
So did everyone else in the room.
Then I smiled, put my coffee down and stroked his hair.
"You took your aspirin?" I asked, still stroking his hair.
He just nodded.
"Drank your coffee?" I asked.
Again he nodded.
He was so cute!
I smiled at the others, who still stalked us and they went back to their conversation.
"So what's up babe?" I asked.
Then he lifted his head a little from my stomach, where it had been pushed, and looked up at me with big, glassy eyes.
"Mom called." He said.
"And?" I asked.
"Davey's coming back."
Then I froze.
I didn't like that motherfucker.
But it'd be just a little time again, right? Then we could be in peace again.
"We're gonna be okay, sweety."
Shit, did I say sweety? Now he knows I'm nervous.
"Gee.." he wailed.
"Mm?" I mumbled.
"He's gonna move here." Frank said with worry evident in his eyes.
"Wha - huh?" I stumbled with my words.
"He's gonna move here Gee. He won't come to the same school with us, but Gee, he's gonna be so close all the time.." Frank explain-whined.
"Oh.." was all I could muster.
After a moment of quiet thinking, I opened my mouth again.
"His dad's enterprise opened a new firm close by.. and yeah. I think he likes my mom like that.. you know?" Frank said the last bit looking pretty disgusted and scrunching up his nose.
I giggled at the fucking cuteness of his scrunched up nose and lifted him up a little to give his nose a little peck.
"Then we'll have to make the most of our little time without him, huh? When are they coming?" I asked.
"They're actually at my place already.. They're living at us till the house is ready. I fucking hate my mom for being so nice!" He huffed.