I Know You

Hands off

Frank's POV.

It was kinda cute.
Gerard was holding me tight all the time and whispering soft I love yous in my hair.
When Davey's hand met mine as Davey gave me a coke, Gerard released a little whimper and squeezed me just a little bit tighter.
He followed me everywhere, tried even the bathroom.
When I was inside, I turned around and gave Gerard a look just as he was stepping in.
He just looked at me dumbfounded and I pushed him out, then closed the door.
I heard shuffling from outside as he probably sat down on the floor next to the door.
Then I heard more shuffling as Davey walked by and said "That's just ridiculous."
That made me lose it.
When I stormed out the door, I ripped Gerard's hand and dragged him to my room, then slammed the door shut.
I leaned against the door and looked at Gerard with a flaming hunger in my eyes.
"I'm gonna teach them a lesson.." I said as I slowly made my way to Gerard who was now seated on my floor, where I had thrown him before shutting the door.
I dropped on my knees and crawled towards him, sitting on his stomach.
"I hope they hear the humping and your moans of my name.." I whispered in Gerard's neck before nibbling it softly.
From the corner of my eye I could see Gerard's eyes widen.
I smirked and licked the shell of his ear, making him shiver.
"But F-Frank.. I don't think I'm getting hard that easy after last night.." Gerard stuttered.
"Oh you will. If not earlier, then at least when I hit your prostate." I whispered in his ear, breathing hot air in there with the sentence.
Gerard gulped.
This is gonna be fun.

I was laying on a sweaty Gerard, who was laying on my floor.
We heard a knock on the door.
Gerard tensed under me but I made no attempt to get up and dressed.
"What is it?" I yelled.
"Dinner's ready." My mom's voice told us.
"Okay, we'll be down in a minute."
We heard her walk away, but I still didn't move.
"Frank?" Gerard asked.
"Shouldn't we be dressing up and heading down?"
"I don't wanna." I said and snuggled in Gee's chest.
"Well, reason number one: Davey is there. Number two: you're warm and soft and a perfect pillow."
"Oh I'm just a pillow to you?" He said, mock-offended.
"Mmm.. yeah."

After a moment he finally forced me up and I longingly watched as he stuffed himself inside his pants.
I sighed and put my own clothes on, then took his hand and walked us downstairs.
Everyone else was already sitting in the table, some looking awkward (Davey's dad), some looking angry (my mom), some looking something between anger and jealous (Davey), some just looking hungry (Davey's sisters).
I grinned to myself and sat Gerard down, then sat on his lap.
Mom looked at me disbelievingly and sighed.
"Can't you please keep your hands off him for just a moment?" she said.
Hands? More like my ass!
"No." I replied.
"It must be hard for him to eat too."
"No, I'm just fine. I like it this way ma'am." Gerard said and smiled his angel-smile to mom.
I rolled my eyes, he never gives me that look.
"Okay." Mom said and smiled like she lost the fight.