I Know You


Gerard's POV.

I felt awful for leaving Frank there. Not just because he was gonna have to spend the night with Davey and his family, but also because I was jealous. Yeah, I wanted to spend the night with Frank. And I don't want Davey to get to feel that joy. And also, I'm afraid they'll become friends or something. But maybe I'm just paranoiac.

The look in Frank's eyes as I told him Mikey called and said my parents wanted me home for a change.. His eyes were pleading for me to stay and my shirt squeezed in his fists as he tried to tie me in his hands.
I couldn't bear to look at him, so I said I'd be back as soon as I could and ran out the door without my shoes. At least I had a good reason to go back..

As I stepped in my house, I felt the familiar scent of mom's raspberry-pie fill my nostrils and I almost purred. The scent relaxed me totally and I almost melt on the floor. I sniffed my way to the kitchen and found my whole family there. Mikey and dad sitting at the table and mom standing by the stove with the kettle-holders in hands.
Mom was the first to acknowledge me. She smiled at me warmly and rushed to hug me. Then Mikey turned towards me and dad lifted his gaze from the newspaper. Mikey said 'hi' and dad just smiled at me. Mom pushed me towards the empty seat next to Mikey.
It felt a little too quiet, but still didn't. I knew something bad was coming from the way they acted and from the facts that they called me to come home, and that mom had made raspberrypie.
I sat down and nudged Mikey with my elbow.
He looked at me and I gave him a quizzical look, but he made no reply.
Mom gave me a plate with a piece of he pie on it and sat down too.
"Okay who's dead?" I asked. This was not normal. Normally no-one was even home at the same time.
"Oh honey, no-one's dead, we just wanted to have a little family-moment." Mom said.
"Oh come on, we don't do family-moments. What's this all about?" I said. I was really getting impatient and worried. What could it be? We couldn't be moving, could we? They wouldn't tell me to stop seeing Frank, they're not homophobic. At least not that much..
"Your mother and I are going to Washington.. for a month." Dad finally said.
"What?" I said, eyes as big as plates.
"Yes, we know it's hard to comprehend, dear, but.. -"
"No, no, no! It's just that I was waiting for something bigger.. You're always away anyway, so it won't make much of a difference.." I said.
They all just stared at me.
"O.. kay." Dad stated.
"Well we're leaving tomorrow, so I thought we could spend the evening together, as a family, before we go." Mom said.
I tensed, and noticed Mikey do the same.
"I.. uh.. You should.. You should spend the night with your friends here in New Jersey.. You don't see them much anyway, so you really should, they're gonna miss you, we're gonna be okay." I stuttered.
They stared at me for a moment again.
"Very well then, will you really be okay?" dad asked.
"SURE!" we, Mikey and me (heheh, poetic!) yelled at the same.
"I'll go call Annie then." mom said and hurried to the hall to get the house-phone.
I sighed and Mikey shot me a grateful look.
"I'll be going back to Frank's then." I said and rose from the table.
I waved Mikey goodbye, hugged dad and tried to ran away from my mother's wet kisses, but failed.
I rubbed my wet cheek as I walked to Frank's door.

"That was fast." Frank said after opening the door.
I smiled.