I Know You

Too easy

Davey's POV.

It was too fucking easy.
It was too easy to stuff into the car and get to the party.
It was too easy to get them so drunk they didn't notice me digging their pockets.
It was too easy to get Gerard away for a moment.
It was too easy to make Frank cry.
It was so easy!
I almost feel like laughing, but I can't.


Author's POV.

You must be really confused, huh?
Well I hope you are.

So you wanna know what made our little Fwankie cry?
Wanna know what really happened?

Well it's here:


Frank's POV.

Quinn sat on my lap and squeezed my face in his hands, squealing 'WHIIII!'
He was way too enthusiastic over the 'summer holiday ending party' tonight.
I didn't even know why.
So I asked.
"Quinny would you mind telling me whyare you so fucking keen on going to that party? We've been partying all summer!"
"'Cause Sonny's coming!" He said and almost ripped my cheeks apart.
Gerard was was putting a shirt on and grunted at Quinn.
"Oh c'mon you miss him too!" Quinn whined.
"Sure I do. Just like I just love homophobes, yeah."
"It's not like he's the only one who did the wrong thing!"
"But he's the one that cheated on me first!"
"Then why did you have to go and do it too?"
"Well I had to get back to him, didn't I?"

I was embarrassed by the conversation, and a little scared. Gerard had cheated on someone before.
But he said id was only to get back to him.
Could I trust in that?

We were in the car, going to some of Quinn's friends where the party would be.
It was pretty cramped in the car, as it was me, Gee, Quinn, Bert, Jepha and Davey in there.
The way there was spent shouting at the others to keep their elbows down so we didn't have any black eyes before we even got to the party.
And when we got there, there were like five shrieks (all from different people) and they all attacked Quinn, Bert and Gerard.
After all the hugging and stuff, we, me and Davey, were introduced.
We got hugs too and then everyone went to get beer.

"Oi Quinny!"
Everyone turned their heads towards the sound.
Quinn was getting pretty tipsy already and Bert was giggling too, I was just a little shaky. Gee wasn't even drinking much tonight, he promised to be the driver when we left home and I didn't know for Jepha, 'cause he had found Riggie and was dancing (or doing the dirty job) somewhere else, and for Davey, I couldn't care less.
The voice came from a cute boy around my height.
He was completely in black. His clothes were black and his hair was black, falling over his eye.
"SONNYY!" Quinn shrieked and hopped off the counter top (he really likes sitting on them) and ran towards his friend.
So this is Sonny? I think he's too cute. I don't like this.
I tightened my hold on Gee.
Gee ruffled my head and smiled at me, and took a sip of his coke.
"Hi guys, long time no see." Sonny said and grinned.
Bert grinned back and Gee just smiled awkwardly. I pouted at him.
"And who's this cute boy here?" Sonny asked and pointed at me.
"My whore, don't ya touch!" Quinn said.
I glared at Quinn and gave a pleading look up to Gerard.
"Mine." he said.
I smiled, even though he probably referred me to a whore.
Well, at least I was his whore.
"Oh.. Good catch." Sonny said.
"Very good." Gerard said and smiled.

It was quiet for awhile, but Quinn and Bert didn't seem to notice. Sonny was awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other and Gee was looking away. I was just happily sitting there in his arms.
"So do you have a name?" Sonny finally asked. From me.
It took me awhile to realize the question was directed to me.
"Ah.. uh.. Frank." I finally said.
"That's a cute name. Fits you." Sonny smiled.
Yeah right, sounds like an old mans name. He's probably laughing inside his head and planning already how to steal Gee from me.
Or then I'm just jealous and drunk.
I tugged at Gerard's shirt in an attempt to get his attention. I wanted to go dancing. Just as I got his attention, Sonny opened his god-damned mouth.
"Gee, please, could we at least talk about it?" he pleaded. Gee?
"We've talked enough." Gee said. "And could you please call me Gerard?"
I smiled.
"Oh come on Gerard, I wasn't the only one who did something wrong!"
"But you were the first."
Sonny sighed.
"Gerard, please. Would you act your age?"
Gerard huffed.
"Please." Sonny whined, with puppy-dog eyes.
Gerard looked at him, then sighed and looked at me questioningly.
I huffed and threw my hands in the air as a gesture of defeat.
He kissed my cheek and went with Sonny.
I drank the left of Gerard's coke and tapped Quinn's shoulder. He was probably giggling at something as stupid as wet matches with Bert.
"I'm going dancing, when, no, if Gee comes back, tell him to search me.
"Uh-huh." Quinn giggled.
I rolled my eyes, he'd probably forget..

I turned my head in the hope of the voice coming from Gerard, but no.
"What?" I asked.
"Come with me." He said.
"'Cause I've got something to show to you. It's important."
I looked at him disbelievingly but finally gave in and followed him.
He led me out on the backyard where the music wasn't so loud.
Then he took a cell outta his pocket and pushed a few buttons. I was getting irritated..
Then I heard it.
And I felt like dying.

Gerard's POV.

"I don't care!" I yelled and walked outta the room. I needed Frank now. I needed my baby.
As soon as I got down the stairs, I saw a angry Frank with glassy eyes, like he had just cried, walking towards me, and Davey just behind.
Frank slapped me. Slapped me!
I didn't have time to think before I heard the words. The words that broke me.
Then everything was just blurry, but I could hear Frank burst into tears and run out.