I Know You

Five days

Gerard's POV.

Five days.
It was five days from when I had seen Frank. My baby.
I missed him.
I spent all my time trying to sleep, to at least get to be with him in my dreams, but it wasn't working, 'cause I lived off the coffee Mikey put just outside my door.
Yeah, I haven't even left my room for the five days I've been living without Frank.
For the first two days I did nothing but called him, till Quinn told me to stop it and give him some time.
I don't even fucking understand what I did wrong! I thought it was okay with him that I went to talk with Sonny.. Though Sonny wanted something more than talking..

I'm dying without my Frankie.

First I was confused, then sad, like really sad.. I never knew you could cry three hours at once.
After being sad, I was angry. Angry at myself, Quinn, Mikey, Sonny, Davey, mom, the neighbour's cat and just everyone. The funny thing is, I was never really angry at Frank..

Now I was kinda feeling.. nothing.
I just didn't feel like doing anything without Frankie. My life had lost it's purpose.
I know it sounds a fucking cliche but I don't fucking care! My life is just a big, fat cliche anyway.
Fuck it, fuck everything!
I don't care anymore.

I threw my alarm at the wall and after hearing it brake, went to sleep.
Or at least tried..

"Mmnnh, lemme sleep!"
"Gee, I gotta tell you something."
"Mm what is it?"
"It's about Frankie."
I shot up and stared at Quinn.
"It's, um.. I think I know why Frank.. left you." He said, awkwardly. Which is weird, 'cause Quinn is never awkward.
The last two words really hurt, 'cause I hadn't thought it like that.. but I guess it was true.
"And?" I ushered Quinn to continue.
"Well.. Davey gave me my cell at the end of the party.. He said he had found it, but I think he took it from me.."
"What does your cell have to do with any of this?" I asked angrily.
"Well, you know.. I.. You know.. I've been recording you with your every boyfriend.. and.. they're in my cell." He said, looking at his shoes.
"What? You're sick!" I said, smirking at him, forgetting my position for a moment.
"Like I didn't already know? Well, anyway, I showed them to Davey one day and.. yeah.."
"Why'd you show them to Davey?"
"'Cause he caught me when I was recording you with Frankie."
"Oh my god.. I'm never having sex again."
"But he didn't wanna hear them, even when I told him about the hot growl Matt has.."
"What? You really can't keep your mouth shut!"
Quinn looked at me with and 'innocent' baby-look and giggled.
"Would you come down? Mikey really misses his big bro."
I smiled weakly.
"Oh c'mon, he hasn't been outta this house for as long as you! Not even to go to the store!"
I was gonna say something, but he didn't let me.
"Yeah, it was me who did your grocery-shopping's! So you could show some respect for the both of us! Come down and just.. be with us. You could use something other than Frank to think about. School's starting soon, you'll see him there, 'cause I really doubt his mother will let him skip."
We were actually halfway down the stairs when he ended his lecture.
Mikey looked shocked and tired when he saw me in the kitchen.
Quinn pushed me to a chair and went to the fridge to force some food down my throat.
"So you're still alive." Mikey said.
I just bit my lip.
"I was really worried, you know.. I couldn't sleep 'cause I thought you'd kill yourself while I was dreaming of a better tomorrow. I.. You're important to me." As the last words rolled off his tongue, he was already around the table to hug me.
When he finally let go, he was sniffing slightly and smiled at me sadly.
"I'll go take a nap if it's okay, Quinn?" Mikey then asked.
"Yeah I'll watch he doesn't kill anyone, you can go!" Quinn said while stuffing all the contests of the fridge to a plate.
Finally he brought me a coke, a raspberry-yogurt, raspberry-pop-tarts and some cold chicken along with a piece of bread.
I looked at it all and then at Quinn.
"Just eat already!"

"Gee?" Quinn asked, holding his head in his hand.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Are you stupid or something?" Quinn asked.
"No, why?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"All you've done is call Frank. You know he lives quite close, do you?"
I looked at him a moment, until..
"Ah, shit! You're right! How can I be so stupid?"
I ran to the door and jumped in some shoes, couldve been mom's I couldn't care less.
I ran to Frank's door and rang the bell.
His mother opened the door.
"Can I see Frank?" I panted at her before she had a chance to say 'hi'.
"I don't think he wants to see you." She said, but you could hear it in her voice that she was sorry.
Gerard's face dropped.
"He.. he didn't let me even explain.. Or actually.. he didn't explain. It's.. It's a misunderstanding. I.. please. Let me see him."
"Gerard. He doesn't want to see you, as in anyone. He thinks every one's just gonna hurt him. I'm sure you can make it all right, but he needs time. You for one should know how stubborn he can be. You need to wait Gerard, and I know you will. You two will make it, I just know." She said.
"I.. uh.. Tell him I miss him."
"That I will." She said and smiled.
"Bye bye."
I waited for the door to close and sighed.
I was walking back to my house when I got it. I ran to the tree that grew just below Frank's window and started climbing.
When I got to the window, I saw closed curtains and a little piece of paper.

'I don't want you here Gerard' it said.

I whimpered at the text and slowly made my way down the tree.
I was hurt by the message. He didn't want me there. He didn't want me in his life.
But the thing that hurt the most, was that Frank had called me Gerard.