I Know You

Kiss the neighbour granny

Gerards POV.

When Jepha came, everything went just horrible. 'Cause I didn't like drinking I just made us my red sodas and gave Bert and Jepha few with alcohol. Quinn was already so crazy he needed no more. He really can't drink. He's all mixed up after the first zip of beer. I didn't wanna give Frank anything, 'cause:
1. He didn't ask for any.
2. I knew how he would be drunk..
So when we had finished 4 coke bottles Jepha and Quinn insisted on playing 'spin the bottle'. I said it was okay as long as anyone wouldn't go kissing the neighbour granny. Last time she almost had a heart attack.
We let Quinn spin first and of course; it stopped in front of me.
"Truth or task?" Quinn and Jepha asked together and giggled on top of that. I hate truths, so I chose task. I hated Quinns tasks 'cause they were just like the 'kissing granny' -tasks. Actually that was his too. And Bert only did it 'cause he was so drunk he didn't even remember it afterwards. "Ha! You gotta go to shower with Frankie-baby!" Quinn shouted. I'm glad my parents weren't at home. Or Mikey.. He went to sleepover at some of his friends.
"Aw c'mon!" I moaned. "Well.. If you don't do it.. I'm afraid I have to do it.." Quinn said and was almost standing up already when I took Frank and dragged him to the bathroom with me. Everyone came running behind us. I put the water on, made sure it was warm, pushed the giggling Frank in there and went in myself. I guess Frank got it just when he felt his hair and teeshirt get wet and pulled the shirt away. He threw it on Jephas face receiving a whistle. Frank never stopped the giggling. I stared him fascinated. I didn't even realize he was trying to pull my shirt off too. I just put my hands up automatically. And the cutest part of it was that he didn't reach up there pulling my shirt off. So I continued there my self. When my lovely yellow teeshirt was on Jephas face Frank started touching my chest. I shivered under his touch and stood there quietly following Franks hands running up and down my body. He put his hand in my wet pockets and tiptoed to reach my ear. "Please.. Take them off...", he whispered. I looked down to his beautiful eyes in shock. He tiptoed again and I bowed down to his ear: "Oh baby, not now. Gotta think about that later." I turn off the water and get off from the shower Frank right behind me. He wrapped his hands around my stomach and walked closed to me.
We got back in the living room as wet as water and the others just awwed at us all night. We did terrible tasks and told unheard truths all night and then everyone fell asleep on the living room floor. In the morning I had no memory of last night. I had no idea why I woke up on the floor with Frank wrapped in my arms. I think he had hit me in the nose when I was sleeping, 'cause it hurt a lot and he was still turning the side and snuggling between my arms. But it was kinda cute, so I didn't wake him or anyone else. Bert was speaking in his sleep as usual and somehow Quinns hands had got lost in Berts jeans. Or maybe even closer to his skin. Ew.. Didn't wanna think about that. And even Jepha had found someone to hold on to. He was sleeping arms wrapped around a lamp stand.
When Frank turned around once more, he hit my nose again. I aowed and lifted my hands up to my nose. He woke in my pain filled groan and stared me with his amazing eyes. I hadn't took any notice in his lashes before. They were beautiful too. But what part in him wouldn't be? I can't imagine even one. He blinked twice still staring me. Then he said "sorry.." very commonly. "Did it hurt bad?" He continued. "No, don't you worry about it.. 'Frankie-baby'." He blushed at the nickname I called him with. He didn't do that even once yesterday when Quinn did the same.
I watched him a moment there and asked him what did he think about a shower. "With or without you?" was his answer. I smiled at him and got off to get him a towel. I threw it in his lap and said "Enjoy yourself. I'll try not to wake Quinn or Jepha. They'd love to join you for a shower. Especially after yesterday." and blinked. Frank blushed again.
He was so adorable when he was shy and blushing all the time.
I went to kitchen to make coffee to everyone else than Quinn. He couldn't take even caffeine. To him I made a banana milkshake. And then I started making toasts and scrambled eggs and bacon and.. Oh god, I'm gonna be a cook some day for sure! Oh yeah.. Frank is vegetarian. I'll make him some sort of salad.