I Know You

It hurts

Third POV. (I would write from Frank's point of view, believe me, I would, but it'd be just crying and shouting, so..)

From the moment Frank slapped Gerard and ran out of the house, all the way to his own, 'cause he didn't want to talk to anyone, so he just couldn't get a ride home, he had been crying and screaming in his agony. He had already ripped apart his closet door, broken all his lamps, ripped a few books out of their covers, along with a breaking mirror and some random glass and porcelain things.

Frank had changed into all black. He had black pyjama-pants, black top and black hoodie on. He even put on his make-up everyday, so he could look that much worse if he happened to be seen by someone else than himself.

It had been five days already. For the first one, it was just crying and laying on the floor in self-pity, the next one was for crying, asking himself what did he do wrong, and then slowly starting to blame Gerard for his misery. Then the third day was when it really clicked and he broke the majority of the things mentioned above. Then on the fourth day, Frank was just crying because he was totally exhausted. He hadn't been eating nearly anything, just some fruits his mother had left at the door, along with a few cokes and lots of coffee. He hadn't actually been smoking either, 'cause he hasn't been out of his room even once, and he didn't want to smoke out of the window, 'cause he might see Gerard. Actually, even seeing Gerard's room, or house was too much. So he put the piece of paper there.

And then the fifth, today, he decided to get out of his room.
He walked slowly to the door, 'cause even standing up was enough to make his eyes darken.
His head was bounding like a fucking kangaroo was inside his head and he stopped to get at least his vision back. Soon he continued on his way down the stairs. He didn't have the courage to walk them down, so he sat on the top stair and blindly made his way down, always sitting on the next step.
Downstairs, waiting for him, were Davey's sisters looking at him oddly. He glared at them angrily and they looked elsewhere.
He walked slowly to the kitchen and blindly made for the sink, to get some water with the aspirin he was gonna get next, but bumped into something, his mother.

Frank opened one eye, 'cause he was afraid of his mothers reaction.
His mother stood there, hands on her hips, staring at his son.
She looked at his son; Frank was a wreck. His hair was greasy and sticking to every possible direction. His eyes were red from crying and the make-up was all over his face. He was pale from spending all his strength to express his rage, and for not eating or drinking.
And the stink.

"Frank." His mother started, sternly, but still softly.
"Y-yeah?" Frank asked, 'cause no matter how mad he would be at anyone for even trying to talk to him, he was slightly afraid of his mother.
"Could you be any more antisocial?" She said.
Frank huffed and gave the floor a death glare, instead of his mother.
"Okay, I know, I know. It hurts. But Frank, it's been five days!" She said, with a little less accusing tone.
"I FUCKING LOVED HIM!" Frank said, already tears in his eyes, as he stomped off and ran back upstairs.
He slammed his door closed and heard the doorbell ring.
He couldn't care less, and slid down against the floor, sniffing angry tears all the while.
After awhile of him sitting there, he heard some shuffling by his window, then a familiar voice cursing and a branch hitting his window. Frank froze and listened quietly. He thought he heard a little whimper, but then the branches started to shuffle out there again, and he could here something softly thumping against the ground.
He had to know, so he opened the curtains a little to peek out and see Gerard, hunched down in misery, walking back to his house.

Frank almost felt guilty for making Gerard so sad, but then he remembered what Gerard had done. Gerard fucking cheated on him!
Yeah. Frank remembered every second of it. Davey taking the phone out of his pocket, then fumbling with the buttons, and then the noises. The screams from the phone. Although Frank hadn't heard Sonny's voice that much, he could recognize the growling man as him. And then he could hear Gerard, in the back, moaning Sonny's name.
God, it was awful.
How could Gerard do something like that? He was supposed to love Frankie!
♠ ♠ ♠
Theeere. Couldve been better, but I guess that's good enough.
And 'cause it's Christmas, you could write me big, fat comments as a present, yeah?
Merry Christmas darlings, even though it's not very merry update : D