I Know You

Depression and love

Frank's POV.

I hate this.

I hate school, I hate waking up, I hate eating, I hate light, I hate mom, I hate Gerard.

Mom forced me up and out of my room and then to school. I hate that woman! I don't wanna go to school! I might see Gerard! Doesn't she understand me? I thought she was my mom! Moms are supposed to understand their children!
When I told her that, she shouted back at me.

"Frank, it's been almost a month since you broke up! It's okay to me if you wanna spend your summer holiday like that, but Frank, it's school and you ain't passing it as long as you live under my roof, you hear me! Now get dressed or I'm dressing you up!"


Well at least I don't have to walk. But then there's the thing that I'm driving to school with mom and Davey.
Is there anything worse than getting driven to school by your mom, AND sitting next to your ex for the whole time?
I think not so many things.

When we reached the school, I got out of the car and slammed the door shut, then started walking to where everyone else was going, not even knowing where I was supposed to go after getting in the school.
I heard Davey and mom speaking something, then Davey ran beside me and babbled something that didn't interest me. Nothing interested me anymore.
Then I saw something shocking.
Gerard in tighter than tight black skinnies, that were held up with a pink belt. (Though they were seated on his slender hips so tight they had no chance of slipping down anyway.) And he was also wearing a Duran Duran -shirt. And I'm pretty sure he had his fathers slippers on..
I couldn't believe my eyes. That guy had NOT chosen his own clothes that morning.
Everyone was staring at him and Quinn in his pink skirt and black hoodie, babbling with all his might, like he didn't even notice every one's eyes bore into him.
Then he suddenly span around an his eyes met mine before I hurriedly looked down and tried to hide in the mass of people, but I knew it was too late, he was making his way towards me already, and he would hunt me down even if it took him the whole day, so I might just save myself from the torment and wait for him.

"Frankieee!" He said and jumped on me, almost making me lose my balance.
"Hi." I said quietly. I had really no reason to be angry at him, so I wasn't.
"How you been?" He asked, his face beaming.
I gave him a glare as to tell him he knew better than fine.
He sighed and put his hand over my shoulders as we made our way towards the doors.
"Umm.." I hesitated.
"Yes?" he asked with his cheery voice.
"How is.. How is he?" I asked and bit my lip as soon as it slipped past my lips.
"Oh.. He.. He is worse than you are." Quinn said, with a surprisingly serious tune.
"How? Why? It was his fault!" I said as the memories started flowing to my mind again and angry tears oozed to my eyes.
"Frank it was a mis - " Quinn started.
"No! I don't wanna hear it!" I snapped from between my teeth.
"But Frank - "
"...Okay." He sighed.

We walked in silence for a moment, but then he started with his cheery voice again:
"So which class are you going to?" he asked.
"I don't know." I mumbled.
"What? Frank, seriously! Why'd you even come to school if you don't know where you're supposed to go in here!"
I muttered something but he was already shouting for Davey.
Davey got closer and they talked something (about me) but it didn't interest me. I still didn't like Davey one bit.
Then Quinn was smiling at me again.
"You're going to B13, same as Mikey!" He exclaimed happily.
Fuck, I thought. Mikey. Gerard's brother.
It's not gonna be good.

Quinn escorted me all the way to the class and Mikey accompanied us soon. We greeted awkwardly and just let Quinn do the talking, which didn't bother him at all.
Then when the bell rang, I felt something. It was a very familiar feeling.
It was the feeling of Gerard, somewhere near. I looked around panicked.
And I spotted him, coming towards us with some guy with shoulder length, a little curly brown hair. He was babbling just as much as Quinn, maybe even more. He had one of the thinnest feet I had ever seen and he moved them so that his hips swung from side to side like a swing.

I had been staring for some time when Quinn finally noticed that I wasn't concentrating on his explanation and turned to look the way I was watching, and screeched, making the guy with Gerard watch in our direction, and do the same.
They ran towards each other and hugged, jumping around. When they finally let go of the other, they had to start screaming again. I think they were actually communicating.
I gave Mikey a questioning look and he started explaining.
"That's William. He's one of Quinn's best friends. He goes to Chicago for the summer, so they're like that when they see again."
That's just when I realized Gerard wasn't in his place beside the new boy, William, he was walking towards us. And he looked a little out of it, he almost walked over Mikey.
"Hey, watch it." Mikey said when Gerard bumped into him.
"'rry." He mumbled, looked up a little and saw me, then quickly looked away.
For the second his eyes were locked with mine, I saw many things in them. Regret, depression, hopelessness, and love.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't like that as much as the previous, but it kinda got it forward.
And William is William Beckett from The Academy Is...
Love him<3 You're gonna hear some more about him later : )
But now just.. Comment?