I Know You


Gerards POV.

I walked behind him checking him out and he knew that. I know he knew, cause he started swinging the ass seductively and twiddling hair around his finger.
When I started digging my keys out of my pockets, he pressed himself to me whispering in my ear. "May I help you with the keys?" He put his hands in my pockets and caressed my skin through the thin material breathing hot air beside my ear. Finally he took the keys and laid them on my tensed hand. He was just teasing me and I'm sure he could see my blushing. He got off of me and walked happily inside when I trembled the door open. He tossed his shoes in the hall and went to kitchen. When I got in, he was opening closets and gathering food on the table. Then he turned around to face me and asked for a frying-pan.
I picked the pan from the closet and handed it to Frank who thanked and started cooking. He was making scrambled eggs with fried vegetables and fried rice.
I stood there for a minute and then pulled a chair and sat there by the table watching Frank. I looked up and down, down and up. My eyes stopped in the middle and admired the gracefully moving bottom 'till he turned his face to me and I got a chance to look in his beautiful eyes. He smiled at me and turned to the food again.
"So you like raspberries?" He asked.
"Wha.. yeah. How did you know?"
"Well.. There's raspberry-something anywhere I looked. Poptarts, gum, jam, jelly... and there were actually even freezed raspberries in the freezer."
"Wow is there? I didn't know!" I said approaching the freezer. Something snapped me and I looked for what it was.
"Oh no you don't!" Frank said pulling me away from the freezer.
"But.. why?" I asked sadly.
"Because I need them soon. I'll make raspberrypancakes for dessert." Frank said in a comforting tone.
I licked my lips accidently. Frank laughed at me and told me to lay the table. When the plates were ready, he shared the food to them.
I looked it stunned and he told me to help myself, which I did. I was surprised by how good it was.
"Oh yeah, what were you giggling about earlier?"
"Haha, nothing. Now eat your food."
"Frankiee!" I whined but did as he told me to.
He just smiled.

When Frank was done he stood up and started making the pancakes. Lovely scent of raspberries filled the room and I hoped it could smell like this in my room too. I found myself snuggling towards Frank and the source of the divine smell. Frank felt me sniffing on his shoulder and laughed.
"Oh Gerard, they'll be ready in a minute, try to control yourself."
"Mmmhh I can't. Your fault for making them."
"I know I'm a great cook and all but usually my costumers have at least a little manners.
"Okay, okay I'll sit down." I whined and sat down still sniffing.
Just a moment after I sat down Frank turned and smiled the pan in hand.
He gave me three pancakes and ate two himself. I could've swore I was in heaven. Frank just laughed at my enjoying faces and stood up to put the dishes in the sink.
Then he directed towards the living room and while passing me he bowed down and whispered: "I was thinking about you in a skirt."
I blushed and almost got choked by my pancake.
He just smiled and walked away.

Franks POV.

I ran to the living room holding my hand on my mouth to keep the laughter in. But when stunned and blushing Gerard walked swinging to the living room, I couldn't keep it in anymore.
"Mmph... Mhihihihihi.."
"It's not that funny!"
"O-oh.. It.. i-is!" I rolled on the floor holding my ribs and giggling.
"What kind of skirt?"
"Mm... short, bright pink leather skirt that flatters your shapes like another skin." I said and winked.
"And you laugh about that? You should be in the bathroom jacking your brain out about that image!" He said.
"Oh you dirty boy, come here and I'll show you some bathroom-images!" I said and pulled him closer by his belt. He fell on me and blushed when the contact got intimate. Then there were some noise at the door. I slip from under Gerard and went to open the door and get Quinn on me.
"Hi there babe! Missed me already?" Quinn asked giving away from the tight hug we were in. That's when I actually realized he was wearing a skirt. And to be honest, he looked gorgeous! He giggled and blushed when he saw my widened eyes. He pounced pass me skirt swinging up and down. I watched after him jaw dropped.
"Hey man, control yourself, he's mine." Bert said shutting my mouth with his hand.
"Oh c'mon, can't you just borrow him a little?" I said playfully.
Bert laughed and shook my hair when he walked in.
I staid there looking at the others in the living room when I felt something, or someone grab my ass and I jumped a little. I turned to look behind me and saw a grinning Jepha. I slapped him playfully on the cheek and joined the others in the living room.
"Ouch, Gerard your girlfriend just hit me with a purse!" Jepha yelled from the hall.
"Touché." I said with an evil grin.