Status: Back in action!! I am currently writing more chapters, so be on the lookout!

A Little More Personal


I rubbed my eyes; the coloured contacts still felt weird. Ashley smiled and strutted her way through the cast members milling about. Rob and Kellan watched as she stopped in front of me.

"Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing. I hate these contacts."

"They are a hassle. But don't lie to me."

"I'm not."


"I'm just thinking."

"About Taresa Barton?"

"Just leave it be, Ash, please."

"Okay. Oh, wow. That girl is weird."

I turned as someone screamed, "Hello, bitches! Erin is in the house, so let's get this party started!"

Rob rolled his eyes and strode to the girl's side. He grabbed her arm; she tried shaking him off. Her eyes narrowed when he whispered something in her ear. She retorted furiously, and Rob cleared his throat.

"Everyone, this is my sister, Erin. If I could, I'd claim no relation; believe me. Erin, these are Jay, Ashley, Kellan, Nikki, Peter, Kristen, and Elizabeth."

I raised an eyebrow at Erin's appearance: Her sixteen-year-old body was clad in tight, electric-blue skinny jeans; a black baby-doll tee with the words Escape the Fate written in a blue the same shade as her jeans, against splatters of white and grey; knee-high black boots; and a dark grey fadora. Her large chocolate eyes were outlined with thick, heavy kohl, and a thinner line of bright blue. I could see she'd applied mascara as well. Fluorescent pink streaks ran through her brown hair. She smiled at us before looking up at her older brother.

"This had better be worth my time."

"Of course it will be."

"The Twilight saga sucked. What makes you think I'll enjoy the film?" She glanced around when everyone fell silent. "What?"

"You hate the saga?" Ashley incquired, incredulous.

"Well, yes."

"Yet you're here?"

"Only because Rob is forcing me."

Catherine called, "Alright, everyone. Let's get to work."

Two hours later, I was sitting beside Nikki and Erin, all three of us watching as Kristen and Taylor acted out their respective roles. Suddenly, Rob's younger sister leaned across me and whispered to my co-star, who was sitting closest to the camera,

"He's cuter without the wig."

Everybody stared at Erin once Catherine yelled "Cut!" The teenager looked around before she sighed and threw up her hands.

"What the Hell is your bloody problem? Do you enjoy staring at me like the pillocks I'm beginning to think you are?"

"Erin, this is the fifth time we've tried filming this scene. Now we have to do it again."

Erin rolled her eyes at Kristen. "I'm sorry. Is that what you want to hear?"

What I want to hear," Catherine broke in, "is absolute silence from everyone except Taylor and Kristen. Let's try this again."

I closed my eyes as Erin mumbled something incoherently. This was going to be a long day.
♠ ♠ ♠

and the dreaded arrival of Rob's sister attacks its unsuspecting victims!