The Life of a Hustler

A run in with the pigs once again

Today was just another day on Fifth Avenue. As usual I was holding. The only thing in life I counted on was my money. It’s easy to see why though. ‘Sides selling’ was something I loved to do. I got to make fun of people, make money and chill with my best friend what could be better? I sat back counting through my funds that I had collected through the day when all of a sudden this gorgeous broad walked up to us. She was pretty hot, long brown hair and very big lips; she was off limits to me though because she was giving Jester this sex face. It was obvious what was on her mind. Jester cocked his eyebrow up and looked over at me. I knew he was going to accept her offer he doesn’t ever turn down sex. I watched him grab her hand and she gladly took it and led him down the street to what I am assuming was her place. I chuckled at him and went and sat on our porch. We lived in a pretty decent neighborhood; it was aight I guess. If you wanted a hit you know the best dealers in Morocco were Jester and Stallion. Ask anybody around here they will tell ya. All the girls ‘round here knew where we lived as well but I ain't complaining though. We ain’t bad looking guys, I’m pretty hot. Jester is like 6’0”, 6’1”. He’s got long dark ebony looking hair and I think his eyes are blue. Wait are they? Hmm I don’t know I’ll have to look when he gets back from getting some. I on the other hand am his polar opposite. I have short brown hair and eyes that resembled honey; or at least that’s what the bitches tell me. We both got six packs but my boy is better. It must be my Italian roots because I got a rock hard body and I'm hung if you get my drift. I smirked. What it’s the truth? I ain’t being cocky or anything. Jester and my smiles make the girls weak in the knees as well.
I was kicked back on our porch relaxing. I heard someone running at me and I looked up and seen Jester running like a bat outta hell. I stood up confused. What the hell happened? Was she a bad lay or something? I walked towards him.
“Wats da matta mane?” He stopped in front of me.
“That bitch,” he panted obviously out of breath. “We was screwin’ and,” he paused for a breath. “her brother came in and,” he panted again. “He’s a pig.” I looked at him and my eyebrow shot up.
“Aw shit ya had to screw that bitch didn’t ya?” Jester smirked.
“It was worth it.” The sirens rang through at the beginning of our street. Him and I exchanged a look and took off running. We were way ahead of the cops. I jumped over the fence and Jester was right behind me. We still had a good lead despite the fence that is until Jester fell. He had just got a new pair of fresh white air Nikes. You know what it’s like with a fresh pair of sneakers you fall easily; well Jester fell and busted his ass. I stopped and ran back just as the cop jumped out of the car. I ran over and speared him allowing Jester to get back on his feet.
“Get the hell outta here man.” He looked at me and shook his head.
“I aint leaving ya we don’t roll like dat.”
“Jester get the fuck outta here.”
He looked at me again and looked like we wasn’t going to leave. He stepped back in my direction and then another squad car pulled into the alley. I yelled for him to leave and he looked at me then jumped on the hood of the squad car and then hopped over the rest of the car. The pig caught me distracted and flipped me over on my stomach and cuffed me.
“There you go smart ass. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you don’t get one, one will be appointed to you.”
He pulled me off the ground and shoved me into the back of the squad car. This was gonna be fun I’ve been in the backseat of one of these babies so many times its like a second home.
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new story
for all of my old readers this character should seem familiar
especially to my advid commenters

so please comment id like feedback on this story
i have two more chapters written so judging by how many comments are left i will post the updates