The Life of a Hustler

the milkshake story

I went and sat back on the couch and my gaze fell to the floor when the girls were talking. I relaxed a bit and scooted down so my head was resting on the back of the couch. I thought about going to sleep but changed my mind when I opened my eyes. The room was darkly lit, the only thing on was the TV. Mel and her friend had turned the lamp on and they both were sitting so the light hit them perfectly. When Mel came into view I smirked. The taste of her lips was still on my mouth. I moved my gaze from Mel to her friend who looked at me then looked down quickly like she was embarrassed or something. Her hair was this weird purplish red tint. Her eyes were dark but I couldn’t tell if that was the lack of light or if they were naturally that dark. Her lips though… I could see them sucking my… Mel’s voice interrupted my thoughts.
“Stallion did you hear a word I said?” I jerked my head up.
“Yea I heard everything ya said.” I really had no idea what the hell she said but I lied anyway I mean come on I probably didn’t wanna hear the shit they were talking about anyway. Mel ignored as if I hadn’t said a word.
“Am I going to tell the story or are you Amber?” So that’s her name Amber hmm I like it. Then she spoke, it was so quiet had I not been paying attention I would have missed it.
“Do we have to tell this story? The quarter story is just as interesting.” She looked up and caught me staring and then looked away. I couldn’t help it I laughed. I bet it wouldn’t be hard to get her to sleep with me. I was currently devising ways to get her alone when Mel shot me a look as if warning me not to try anything. I laughed again. These two were a real trip together. Mel ignored my glance and started with her story.
“Ok here it goes. It was Saturday about three hours before Rocky started. Amber and I decided we wanted ice cream and the Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins place wasn’t far from my house. We did what we always do, we walked there.” I watched Amber put her head in her hands and shake her head in the process. All her hair fell around her hands. I wonder how it would look spread all around my pillow while I’m… I heard Mel’s voice again. Dammit girl cant u kept quiet for a little while?
“The whole walk there we were yelling at cars and flipping people off. You know the usual. When we got to Baskin Robbins how ever it was a different story. Right outside of the ice cream spot we spot our friend, well more like acquaintance Jenna. Jenna is pretty hot. She has long blonde hair with bright red streaks and bright blue eyes. She’s obviously not as hot as Amber or myself though. Anyways when we walk into the place the wonderful person to my right,” she motioned at Amber. My gaze went to her again and she had brought her knees up to her chest since I last looked at her. She looked back at me. I smirked at her then she looked away.
“She made a comment a little too loudly and it wasn’t very nice is all I’m going to say. Jenna said something I don’t remember what though and Amber smacked her upside her head and called her stupid. The guy behind the counter looked up and smirked. We walked up to the counter and he seemed a little too happy to see us. He took our orders. Amber and I ordered our usual same order; a chocolate chip cookie dough milkshake. Of course Jenna had to be different. She got an Oreo milkshake. We paid them waited a few minutes then the guy came back with an Oreo and a chocolate chip cookie dough milkshakes. He set them down right in front of Jenna and me. He winked at Amber.
“Yours will be up in a minute.” She nodded then we went back to our conversation. About five minutes later he set a watery milkshake down in front of her.
“Enjoy,” he laughed when he said that too.” She paused to look at Amber. Amber shook her head and Mel shrugged.
“Well we got outside and Amber took a drink from her milkshake. One small sip and the thing was already a forth of the way gone. She wrinkled her nose. She looked at me then shoved the milkshake at me.
“Take a drink of it. It’s all watery and salty. It doesn’t taste right at all.” I did what she asked and the same taste that she described. Jenna decides to interrupt after we were done taste testing.
“Oh and by the way I thought home boy was jacking off under the counter a few minutes ago.” Amber and I were going to kill her. I thought Amber was going to leap across the table at her. Instead she screamed.
“THAT MOTHERFUCKER CAME IN MY MILKSHAKE!” Every one in the drive thru looked at her plus people in the place looked at her. The entire way home Amber and I were pissed. We had just drunk some ugly wacko’s sperm. Jenna couldn’t stop laughing and cracking jokes at our expense the whole way home.” Melanie stopped then looked at me. I looked in between both girls and I lost it. I started dying laughing. Amber wrinkled her nose then turned away from me. I didn’t start to feel bad until after I was done laughing. Wait why am I feeling bad? It’s just a couple of bitches. I shrugged.
“Bizz I want to pick the movie since you told an embarrassing story of mine.”
“All we have are the movies from the video store.” She nodded and I laid back on the couch and tilted my hat to cover my eyes but my thoughts refused to let me sleep. My kiss with Mel was mad hot. I wonder if that’s why Jester is with her. I laid there silently thinking for about forty-five minutes and then I heard Amber’s voice.
“So what’d you think of the kiss?” I hear Mel scoff.
“He challenged my kissing ability so I had to do something.” I heard an mmhmm. I refrained from smirking.
“How was it though?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“I was just curious he looked kind of hot.” I could practically see Mel rolling her eyes and that made me want to smirk even more. I was also curious as to why Amber wanted to know. I listened intently as Mel answered.
“You like him don’t you? Ew Amber have better taste in men. He’s ugly.” I resisted the urge to stick out my tongue. I heard Amber’s voice come out in a stutter.
“I never… s-s-said I l-l-l-iked him. I like J-J-Jester.” She didn’t like me or was she lying? Wait why do I give a shit? I don’t I told myself.
“Bullshit Amber and besides Jester is all mine.” I heard her laugh. “To answer your question about the kiss he is a terrible kisser. He drooled all in my mouth.” I did not! I almost jumped up but I was glad I didn’t.
“Ew seriously?”
“I knew you liked him. Just admit it.” I heard the shuffling of feet. I almost opened my eyes but once again I decided against it.
“I wonder what his abs look like.” Mel scoffed.
“Why would we care? They’re not better than Jesters’ believe that mami.” I heard a sigh.
“I really want to see though. I mean look at the way his body is shaped.”
“One peek okay.” I felt my shirt up slowly up until it was right under my ribs. I heard them both go, “whoa,” I felt a hand lightly trace the outlines of my abs. Now it was my turn to say whoa. Only mine was done in my head. The only time a girl has done this to me was after sex.
“I wonder how big it is.” My mouth mentally dropped. What the hell happened to the girl that was too shy to say hi to me?
“Dude I totally don’t want to know ew.”
“You have to be curious. I mean look at his body shape and the way he walks. You know he’s slinging.”
“I am so not looking.”
I felt my belt slowly start to come undone and my pants felt loose as hell. Then the button started to come undone. Hell this is a new experience my eyes are usually open when a bitch takes off my pants.
“Amber Jester’s coming.” Mel whispered harshly.
“Shit,” then I felt her lay her head on my chest. Part of me wished they had taken the shirt off so I could feel her… What the hell am I thinking? Get it together Stallion. She relaxed her breathing to seem as if she was sleeping. I heard Jester walk in the room.
“Whoa when did that happen?” Mel acted surprised.
“Huh oh I don’t know I was watching the movie. “ I squinted my eyes to see Mel silently laughing pointing our way. It was easy to see why though. Amber’s curiosity had got her into a situation that she didn’t want to be in or did she? Jester spoke up.
“Hey Melanie I was wondering if you wanted to come to my room with me.” I felt Amber’s heart start beating fast. Mel laughed again.
“No why don’t you finish the movie with me?” I guessed he agreed because I didn’t hear his footsteps departing. I laid there with Amber on top of me. This was the first time since Lindsey a girl had been on top of me and we weren’t screwing. I thought she actually fell asleep for awhile but I was wrong. I didn’t find that out until Jester left though.
“Melanie I’m going to bed. Come up when you’re ready.” I heard them kiss ew. Hey Jester do you taste me? Cuz my lips were there a couple of hours ago.
Once Jester left I felt Amber try to get up so I wrapped my arms around her just to be an asshole or was that the real reason?
“Mel I’m stuck.” Mel laughed.
“You got yourself into that mess now you get yourself out of it.” I’m pretty sure she didn’t realize how hard she pulled my belt out of the belt loops. She got it all the way out then she threw it at Melanie’s head. I heard Melanie groan. I guess it was time to wake up. I started by stretching out my legs and then I inhaled deeply then exhaled ruggedly and opened my eyes.
“What the hell?” She jerked up.
“I uh uh uh uh,” I started to feel bad again.
I dared her to do it Stallion.” I was surprised that Mel stood up for her. I looked at Amber and she looked kind of terrified.
“Aw come on baby ya can come back n cuddle wit da Italian stallion.” She got off of me and went and sat back in the floor. She didn’t even look at me the rest of the night. I started to feel bad but I wasn’t about to show it. I mean what happens to her happens. She shouldn’t have left my couch, or is it your arms you didn’t want her to leave. I jerked my hat down and tried to drown out the arguing going on in my head.
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i would love some more love on this story it would be greatly appreciated