The Life of a Hustler

The problems begin

I tossed and turned most of the night. My head wasn’t helping my sleep any. I battled back and forth about “her” all night. Why in the fuck was this bitch bothering me so much? I should have taken some pills before I went to bed. I would have slept for sure then. I feel all woozy without taking shit. I guess it’s from lack of sleep. Usually I take xanax before bed and wake up and pop some vicodin. I shook my head. I let that bitch get to me too much last night. I sighed and then I cocked my eyebrow. It was way too quiet in the house. That wasn’t normal. Our house always had some sound it in coming from all directions. It wasn’t a surprise with all the guys that lived here. Speaking of the boys I gotta chill with them for a little bit today. I aint seen them in a couple days. I sat there in silence for a few minutes before the silence finally started to agitate me. I sighed and tilted my hat up so I could see. I could tell why the silence was so strong in here. There was no one in the living room and the tv was off. I rolled my eyes and sat up. My head hurt like a bitch. I didn’t know if it was from lack of sleep or early morning withdrawals. It was probably a bit of both to be honest. A moment of silent thoughts passed and then they went straight back to my main problem-her. This was fucking stupid. I don’t even know this bitch and she was already fucking with me. I rolled my eyes and stood up. My stomach growled loudly. It sounded like a grizzly bear. I laughed. I am always fucking hungry for some odd reason. Wait not for some odd reason I was usually high. I looked down at my body. My shirt had fallen back into place when I stood up. My pants were loose as fuck though. Hmm Stallion I wonder why oh yea the stupid bitch Amber threw my belt at M’s head. That was kind of funny though. I shook my head like a boxer trying to shake off their drool. No some bitch jerked your belt off of your waist. No bitch comes close to Stallion unless we’re fucking. She was already bugging me too much.
I was drawn from my thought when a smell hit my nose. It wasn’t an unpleasant smell; it was more like a cooking kind of smell. Some one was cooking breakfast. I smirked. That was just what I needed…food. I scratched my stomach and followed the smell into the kitchen. Mel was the first thing I seen when I entered the room. She was standing at the stove cooking. She must have just woken up as well. She looked hot as always though. She would probably be one of my usual lays like Lindsey. Mel had on Jester’s black and silver jersey. We had similar ones. They were close to the same jersey only his said “Jester 69” on the back where mine said Stallion of course. From this spot I could almost see up the back of the jersey. She kept shifting her weight from her left foot to her right. It didn’t look like she had anything on under it but I couldn’t be sure. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. That was my boys girl I can’t be thinking like that about her; though her kiss from last night was still on my mind. Believe it or not the other shawty had topped mine and Mel’s kiss in my mind. Its crazy man. I shouldn’t be thinking about that hoe. I don’t even know her. I’m still trying to understand why she is even on my mind in the first damn place. I gotta get laid today man no joke. I tried to clear my thoughts and looked around the rest of the kitchen. Skid was sitting at the table relaxing. He was probably waiting on breakfast as well. His black hair was in his face this morning. I laughed. When wasn’t it in his face though? He is about 5’9” or something like that and had three piercings in his bottom lip. He was an okay kid though I guess. I turned my direction from Skid to the other side of the room where Jester was leaned up against the counter top. He smirked at me and continued to munch on his breakfast. I shook my head and Mel walked directly into my sight with a plate full of food in her hand. I smirked and grabbed it from her. She scoffed and attempted to take the plate back. I held it above her head and took a piece of bacon off of it and shoved it into my mouth. She groaned and whined for me to give her back her plate. I just laughed and went and sat down and started to eat. She smacked me as hard as she could. It stung a little but I played it off like it barely hurt. I just grinned and shoved more food into my mouth. She eventually left me alone and made another plate. Only this time she went and stood by Jester and kept away from me until she was finished eating. She strolled over with me and kept a solid dirty look on her face.
“Who do you think you are?” I grinned.
“Oh you didn’t know? I’m the Stallion.” She rolled her eyes. I just kept my grin and put her plate in the sink. I leaned up against that counter much like Jester was doing on the other one. I looked around and I realized. Shawty wasn’t here. Hmm I scratched my stomach again. Was she still sleeping? If she was where was she sleeping at? I shrugged. Why did it matter? My brain started to turn over a lot of thoughts. A lot were about Mel and Shawty. I shook my head. I aint trippin over no hoe. To prove my point Imma call one of my hoes after this. I was still curious about what happened to shawty though.
“So wut happened ta ur friend?” Mel rolled her eyes and looked up at Jester who shook his head laughing. I glared at him then relaxed my face.
“She had to go home.” I nodded. Hmm why though?
“Is she cumin back?” She shrugged and tossed her hair over her shoulder.
“I’m hoping she doesn’t come back. It will be good for her to stay as far away from you as possible.” I rolled my eyes.
“Why do ya want her ta stay away from me?” She just shook her head and left. Why did Mel want me to stay away from her? I haven’t done anything wrong yet any ways. I shrugged. Oh well just another hoe. It aint gonna effect me at all. I walked upstairs to take my shower. That was just what I needed to clear my head; that and something to make me chill out. I smirked. It wasn’t hard to guess what that was. I walked up the stairs and went straight to my room.
Walking over to my closet took longer than usual. I feel sluggish today and I aint on shit. I groaned and finally made it to my closet. I didn’t even feel like getting dressed today. I grabbed my white wife beater and my black baggy basketball shorts. I grabbed my black boxers and headed to the shower. For some odd reason it seemed to take longer. I did my lotion quickly and got dressed. That’s when I realized I wasn’t wearing a hat. I dried my hair and walked back to my room. I couldn’t continue like this man. I walked to my top drawer and grabbed an already rolled joint. I quickly lit it before any one could interrupt. I sat down on my bed. It wouldn’t take long for me to be relaxed. I blew smoke rings out of my mouth and I heard my door open. My eyes darted to the door quickly. What the hell was she doing here?
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sorry I havent updated in awhile
Ive been preoccupied writing on my other two
so once again I am so sorry