The Life of a Hustler

Into you

I’m sitting there with a joint in between my lips as I see her enter my room. She looked around my room and smiled. I held in a chuckle. She obviously had no idea I was sitting here. I took the joint from my mouth and sat there for a minute. Shawty had gone home and changed clothes I’m guessing. I don’t know why she didn’t stay. I would have lent her something of mine. I bet shed look good in my t-shirt. I mentally screamed at myself. No Stallion she wouldn’t because she is just another hoe. No hoe wears your shit ya dig. I nodded. What the hell was I answering myself for? I shook my head and glanced back up at her just as she turned around. She jumped back and her hand flew to her mouth and she gasped. I couldn’t hold in it I laughed. Damn this weed was kicking in already. She did look good though, had on some tight jeans and a tight t-shirt as well. I licked my lips. She stepped back to the door.
“I am so sorry I didn’t know any one was in here…. I was just admiring… never mind. I’m leaving now. I am so sorry.” I chuckled again and shook my head.
“Jus admirin da house huh?” She nodded. Shawty was standing at the door frame now. “Ya can come in I don’t bite, unless ya into dat sorta than.” Her face turned red then she shook her head and walked in slowly. I sat up so I was no longer lying down and my knees were apart in a leaning like motion yet I was still leaned up against the wall. She stood in front of me by a few good feet. She was nervous to be around me. I wonder why. Wait I knew why. Mel probably said some shit.
“Ya kno ya can sit down rite?” She shrugged and I patted the bed. She sighed quietly and walked slowly to the end of my bed and sat as far from me as possible. See I was already making progress it wont be long until I fuck her. I smirked.
“So wat happened last nite? I woke up an ya wuz on top a me?” Her face turned red again and she paused a few minutes before answering.
“Well um Mel and I were talking about your guy’s kiss and a few things got me curious so I wanted to see your abs.” I smirked. That’s all she was going to tell me? She left out all the good parts. Like her and Mel arguing and her unbuttoning my pants. I laughed mentally.
“Wow watd she says about da kiss?” She looked away from my gaze and looked around the room. She started biting her bottom lip. I wouldn’t have realized that had the right side of her lip not sunk in. She was nervous.
“Well she said you sucked. You drooled all inside of her mouth and you had no idea what you were doing.” My mouth fell open a bit. To think I was going to tell that bitch she was a good kisser. Fuck her now.
“Naw shawty dat aint even close to da truff. I iz damn gud at wat I do.” She looked down. Her voice was so quiet I had to strain to hear her at some points.
“Well from what I hear you’re not.” She laughed. She was already closer to my sack and she didn’t realize it. Well actually she was in my bed now but that doesn’t count. I’m fucking arguing with myself again. I shook my head again.
“Naw shawty trust da Stallion on dat one. I knowz wat Iz duin.” She nodded.
“I’ll take your word for it. I have a question.” Her voice was raising a bit so I’m guessing she’s more comfortable with me.
“Shoot shawty,” she looked away from me again.
“Why do you call me ‘shawty’?” I laughed.
“Itz a habit.” She nodded and went to stand up but for some fucked up reason I stopped her. She raised an eyebrow then her eyes trailed to where my hand held her in place.
“Where ya goin?” She shrugged.
“I don’t know I was going to find Bizz.” I nodded. Should I let her go or make her stay? Fuck why is this even an option?
“Can I come? I meanz I gotsta tell her sumfin anywayz.” She nodded and I let go and followed her. She kept glancing over her shoulder at me. I just smirked every time she did. I think I was getting to her. She kept glancing around her instead of looking back now. This was too easy. We finally located Mel. Her and Jester were making out. Of course she saw this first and turned around and ran into me. Her face turned red and she put her head into her hands. I chuckled causing the couple to stop. Obviously Jester wasn’t happy. That made me want to laugh twice as hard. It sucks getting interrupted when there is a good chance you’re going to get some doesn’t it buddy? He sent death glares my way. This was too good. Mel straightened her shirt and pulled completely away from Jester. She got up and walked out of the room and dragged Amber into the kitchen. I waited a minute or two and walked into the kitchen myself. Mel’s harsh whispers stopped and she glared at me as well. I just smiled and leaned up against the door frame.
“Wus gud Mel? How r ya? Still recoverin from mi kiss?” She rolled her eyes.
“Yea totally actually I was trying to rid my mouth from the disgusting taste you left in it.” I laughed.
“Really? I doubt dat one tho. Iz prolly one of da best kissers ya eva had in yo life.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes.
“You need a reality check.” I shrugged.
“Naw ya needs a reality check. I knowz I iz good at wat I do. Ya just hatin.” She walked up to me. I think she was trying to be intimidating but that bitch was shorter than me so how was that supposed to happen.
“Why would I hate on you for? That would be a waste of my breath.” I got real close to her ear and whispered so shawty couldn’t hear.
“Because ya kno ya want me.” She smacked me. Damn. My face stung. I grabbed my cheek out of reflex and quickly let go.
“Never in your wildest dreams would I want to be with you. I am with your best friend.” I shook my head.
“I couldn’t tell by da kiss ya gave me da otha nite. It wuz hot. Got me all worked up an shit.” Mel smirked and then I realized that I had just admitted she was an amazing kisser. She smiled and left the room. Shawty was still in the kitchen though. I smirked and walked over in her direction when Mel came storming back in and grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen with her.
“Why ya always gotta b hatin on a playa Mel?” She stopped and shawty ran into her. She turned to face me and glared at me.
“I’m not hating on a player go find a fuck somewhere else and leave her out of it. Oh wait I forgot no body wants to sleep with your ugly ass.” I smirked and rolled my eyes. I could get laid any time I wanted. Hell that’s exactly what I needed. That bitch would leave my mind and Mel would get off the rag. I opened my phone to call one of my girls when I heard a voice. I walked out of the kitchen but stopped before I got to the living room.
“Um excuse me who are you?” That voice was obvious. It was quiet. Amber was talking to some one.
“I’m Lindsey who the fuck are you?” Oh shit! I heard Jester’s voice. Thank you Jester! I started happy dancing that is until another voice came into play.
“Who the hell are you guys?” Her voice sounded familiar. Fuck who was that. I heard every one in the room answer.
“Who the hell are you?” Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“I’m Angela Stallion’s date from the other night. He hasn’t called me back so I wanted to make sure he was okay.” I heard a scoff probably from Lindsey.
“Honey if he didn’t call you back he doesn’t want you. Besides why would he want you when he has me?” I put my head in my hands. I am so fucked.
“Wait you’re his girlfriend?” Amber is still in there as well. God I am so fucked.
“Told you he was a player.” God damn Mel cant you give me a break.
“Wait I don’t understand,” Angela said. That was her name. I remember now. I heard another scoff followed by Lindsey’s voice.
“He hit it and left. Stallion is like that. You are such a dumb bitch. I am the only girl he has stuck around with long enough after a fuck or hell even before.” I sighed. Great make this twice as bad on me Lindsey.
“You never answered my question. Are you two together?” I felt like shit poor Amber was involved in this. I barely knew her.
“Yes we are.” Jester spoke up.
“Actually the last I heard you two were only fuck buddies so when did ya get back together? When’s the last time ya even talked ta him?” I did a happy dance again. Go Jester! “And ya I am sorry but I agree with Lindsey on one thing. If Stallion aint call ya he doesn’t want ya.” Damn Jester a bit much.
“If he aint with me then who in the fuck is he with?” I smiled this is my cue. I slowly walked into the living room. All eyes were on me, even I smiled and walked over to shawty and pulled her into my arms and kissed the top of her head.
“Hey baby we aint gots no cookies. Is dere somethin else ya want?” She looked at me confused and I winked at her. She looked upset. I hated that. I sighed. Lindsey scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Stallion what the fuck is going on?” I shrugged and pulled away from shawty and entwined my fingers with hers.
“Wat iz ya talking bout?” She walked closer. Angela stood in the door still. Lindsey was standing a few feet away from me. Jester and Mel were standing straight across from her and on my right side and of course shawty was next to me. I stood there with a smile on my face.
“Don’t play stupid Stallion. You know what the fuck I am talking about.” I shrugged.
“Wat Lindsey?” She shook her head and walked a few steps closer to me.
“You need to explain what the fuck is going on with all of us. This is fucking bullshit.” I smirked.
“Well I guess it started wit Angie ova dere. Her an I went out an we fucked of course. I prolly wulda screwed her again but dats a different story. I went shoppin wit ya da next day. Dat trip made me think and Lindsey it took me awile butz I finally realized ya aint luv me fo me ya wanted wat I had. Dat hurts. I mean I gave ya every thang I had but it aint gud enuff an neva will be.” She looked pissed but I didn’t care any more. I didn’t hold feelings for her any more. She had hurt me enough. I meant everything I had said for once and no lies spilled out.
“So I was nothing more than a fuck to you?” Angela spoke up. She looked like she was going to cry. Mel rolled her eyes.
“Isn’t that obvious?” I wanted to laugh. Mel’s best yet worst quality. She’s always straight to the point.
“This is some fucking bullshit Stallion you know I fucking love you.” I shrugged.
“Sorry I aint believez dat no mo Lindsey.” She walked closer to me and I was waiting on the smack. But I heard nothing.
“Then who in the fuck is this?” She pointed her finger at shawty. I smirked again then grinned at Mel.
“Dis is Amber, my new girlfriend.”
♠ ♠ ♠
stallions over Lindsey....finally god it took him long enough right lol
but what about all the drama with Mel
find out in the next installment of *enter big booming voice* "THE LIFE OF A HUSTLER"
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yay amazing right