The Life of a Hustler

the battle wit myself

Lindsey laughed. What the hell was she laughing about? I had just told her I didn’t want her any more and that I had some one new. She laughed about it? What the hell? Had something snapped in her head and she has finally gone crazy? I smirked. What was I saying that bitch was crazy long before now. It took me a long time to realize that though. I was blinded by my lust for her that I didn’t care about anything else. I didn’t care that she used me. What had made me wise up to that though? I shook my head not wanting to know the answer. Lindsey walked closer to us. By us I meant Amber and me. I smirked. This has to be burning Mel’s ass right now. I just said her best friend who she wants me no where near was my girl. Score one for the Stallion. I glanced over and Mel and she glared at me. I grinned and winked at her. I swear one of these days she was going to punch me, but probably want to fuck me later. Lindsey now stood right in front me. She looked at me and smiled then licked her lips. She ran her hand down my abs and then looked up at me with the look of pure lust shining in her eyes. I surprised the hell out of myself when I smacked her hand away. She pouted at me then her gaze went to Amber. I watched her eye Amber up and down. What the hell was she doing? I put an arm across Amber. Lindsey better not even think any thing because I will kill her. Why in the hell was I already so protective over her? She was just an excuse to get me out of hot water. My Stallion persona laughed. Naw watz funny is ya been makin excuses a lot wen it comes ta dat ho. I say yo trippin ova sum ass dawg. The Sean in me said that I wasn’t tripping over anything. I barely knew her so there’s no way I could be tripping. What the hell was going on with me? Lindsey looked at me and laughed.
“You’re actually leaving me for this?” She scoffed. Amber rolled her eyes and surprised me by answering her.
“Honey don’t be jealous because he finally realized he didn’t want to be with a Barbie car any more.” Lindsey cocked her eyebrow.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Amber sighed and rolled her eyes.
“You are like a Barbie car. Every body has had it and yet it never lasts very long. Does it suck always getting dumped for a new and better version?” Mel just smirked and started whispering to Jester and he smirked as well.
“No because you know what’s funny? They may leave me but they always come back. Hell Stallion is like a little lap dog. You are just his flavor of the week but I am his girl for life.” I cocked my eyebrow. This was getting interesting. Amber just laughed.
“Honey I am more than just the flavor of the week. I am his one and only. Get it straight bitch. So if you don’t mind my boyfriend and I have better things to do then fuck around with a slut like you.” Mel laughed. Lindsey rolled her eyes and got in Amber’s face. I went to pull them apart but Mel already had.
“Look I don’t know you or anything but I know you need to step off of my friend.” Lindsey rolled her eyes.
“Damn Jester you know how to pick them don’t you? Didn’t you learn your lesson the last time? You know how the last one ended but you look familiar to me for some odd reason. Wait I know where I’ve seen you before with those two wannabes. So what did you decide to stop fucking those two and move up to wear the real money is at?” I watched Mel’s body take on a different stance. She looked like she was about to pounce. Lindsey just smirked and much to my surprise Mel smirked back. Mel got real close to Lindsey and whispered something in her ear. It all happened so fast after that. Mel’s fist connected with Lindsey’s face and she stumbled backwards.
“Now get the fuck out.” Lindsey held her cheek and stumbled out of the front door. I smirked and high-fived Mel.
“Way ta go shawty I aint think ya had it in ya. I meanz ta knock da shit outta nutha gurl.” She just smirked and cracked her knuckles. She flipped her hair back.
“Like you didn’t know I punch hard?” I rolled my eyes.
“Naw I aint got naw idea.” She laughed.
“So what are we going to do now?” I smirked.
“I gotz somethin ta say.” Mel rolled her eyes then smirked.
“Oh wow is the ‘almighty’ Stallion going to say something worth anything?” I smiled and walked towards Amber.
“Actuallyz yea but not ta ya. Hey yo shawty let me holla at ya a sec. Ya kno ya gurl rolls wit my boi so ya shuld roll wit me.” Amber looked like she was thinking for a minute.
“Are you asking me out?” I smirked.
“Wat ya think?” She shrugged.
“That’s what it sounded like but I can’t be sure.” I just smirked.
“So ya wanna roll witcha boi or not?”
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havent wrote on this story in a long ass time.. probably because my inspiration left me
i hope i did aight
i doubt it tho

its hard thinking about some one ur not with every second of the day
I miss Bug like a herion addict misses its fix. I may have got him off the dope but he became my needle. All I want is my next fix

so comment
message whatever

</3 Bugz Former Shawty