The Life of a Hustler

the reason why hes distant

I walked out of the mall with a small smirk on my face. I don’t know why but sex with her was always amazing. I honestly don’t think I care about her as much as I once did it must be all the problems with Jester. I mean he’s my best friend and he’s ignoring me and won’t tell me why. Fuck him I don’t need him I reached in my pocket and grabbed a handful of pills and threw them in my mouth and grabbed Lindsey’s pop and chugged some of it down. She looked at me and smiled. She knew I was fucked up most of the time but she didn’t care. I really don’t think she cared as long as I still spent money on her. I think I have finally snapped out of the trance she had me in. That’s a good thing though. It took me to the point of losing my best friend for me to realize. I got into my baby. I turned the key in the ignition and listened to her purr. I smirked then made the tires screech out of the parking lot. I decided to take Lindsey home. I needed to think stuff over. I dropped her off and ignored her offer to come upstairs with her. Usually I would have taken her up on her offer but I decided against it and drove home.
When I got home I was a little taken back by what I seen. There was that bitch sitting on our couch. What the hell was her name? I don’t remember that rude one that ran her mouth to me the other day. To make matters worse they were cuddling on my couch well the couch is technically ours but still. I walked into view and they both looked up at my footsteps. Jester looked like he was going to jump out of his skin. Obviously he had counted on me going home with Lindsey. Was this why he had been avoiding me?
“Stallion,” he paused. I shook my head and all I could say was,
“Bros before hoes man but you broke that.” I shook my head again then walked upstairs. He hadn’t said a word which had confirmed it. That little bitch got away with running her mouth to me and obviously he was trippin over her. I walked over to my door and took another handful of vicodin. Maybe this will be enough to knock me on my ass because I really don’t want to be in this house right now. I was still in shock that he let some girl, some smart mouthed little bitch come in between a friendship this long and to make matters worse he didn’t even plan on telling me. Had I not showed up right now I never would have known. I lay in my bed and closed my eyes. I couldn’t shake the fact that he was lying to me out of my head. I eventually drifted off to sleep and didn’t wake up until the next morning. When I came down stairs both Jester and Ms. Bitch were sitting at the kitchen table.
“Mornin’” I said as I walked to the refrigerator. Jester sighed.
“Stallion why don’t you come sit down?” I rolled my eyes. He was starting to sound like my dad. I shuddered I hated my father so was this a sign I was beginning to hate Jester as well?
“Why?” I gave a look of confusion.
“Because we need to speak to you.” I rolled my eyes again.
“Oh she’s going to talk and not bitch this time?” I was being heavily sarcastic but I had every right.
“Listen dipshit I only yelled at your dumbass because you shouldn’t do that stuff with a child there.” I looked over at Jester and he didn’t say shit even though he knew I had problems with my vocabulary and she just called me dumb. I have a lisp it’s not a huge one but I have problems pronouncing S’s. I rolled my eyes.
“Whatever you just showed were your loyalties lie Jester.” I got pissed and walked upstairs. I started throwing shit into my duffel bag. I was leaving. I aint staying here and going to allow her to bitch at me like that since he wasn’t going to say anything I’m out. I grabbed as much of my stuff and threw it into the bag and ran it out to the car. I slammed shut the impala’s passenger door and walked back in the house to grab my necessaries like my dope and my money. I looked at Jester when I walked back up the stairs and I shook my head. He will miss me eventually but I aint having his bitch talk to me like that. I went upstairs and grabbed the rest of my belongings and went back to my car. I sped out of the driveway and I was gone.
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ahh poor stallion but wheres he going? hmm u will have to comment and see muwahaha
lol seriously comment subscribe