Let me explain.


My first stop was the grocery store, I was running low on baby formula. I didn't like breast feeding something about it didn't feel right. I wondered down the aisles trying to find things for Diamond. Finding the baby formula was a job itself.

I got a whole lot of formula, that boy likes to eat. Somebody tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see the queen of bitches, Tina. She WAS my best friend.

"Hey there Clementine!"

My god she was so fake.

"Hello Tina, how have you been?"

Her blond hair was looking extra blond today. She's always wanted Brian, ever since the day I introduced them.

"I've been good, found a boy friend, he's famous like Brian."

"Really that's nice. Brian and I just had a baby boy."

This would deffiatnely piss the fuck out of her.

"Really? I knew you seemed bigger."

Oh that little cunt. I was no bigger than her. This is the reason why I don't talk to her anymore. Always trying to compete with me.

"Well Tina, I have to get home. Hope to see you soon though."

I walked away without turning back, she was a waste of space.


I pulled up to the house, tons of cars blocking the drive way. Leave it to Brian to invite a shit load of people over. I grabbed the bags and trotted up the stairs to the door. As I walked in I saw the boys from Avenged Sevenfold, Dirk, Brian's tattoo artist and some of the boys girlfriends.

"Baby your home. I have to tell you something."

Great. A surprise.

"So I spent some time with Diamond and I want to get his hand print tattooed on me."

My mouth flew open. What was I going to do? I couldn't tell him that Diamond wasn't his. That would ruin his life and mine.

"Baby? What's wrong aren't you excited? Your always telling me I need to step-up and be a dad."

"No, no, no. I'm very happy, I'm thrilled." I lied right through my teeth. He kissed my cheek then walked away to go find Diamond's baby book.

Everybody was staring at me, like I was an idiot. It's true though, if I told him when I found out this would be simplier. If he hadn't left or if I hadn't left we would be together.

Tears slipped from my eyes, I didn't know what to do. Brian came down with the hand print. Dirk had a portable tattoo maker, so it was ready in a flash. Brian took off his shirt, he looked amazing. Dirk placed it carefully on his side, it looked perfect. It was a mistake, Diamond wasn't his, he shouldn't be getting this.

Brian laid on the floor, Dirk getting closer and closer with the tattoo gun. I couldn't let him do this. My voice was building up in my throat. Finally I let it go.

"WAIT!" Everybody looked at me.

"What is it babe?"

My eyes overflowed with hot, salty tears.

"Diamond isn't yours."

The room filled with silence, like I just asked for my own death.
♠ ♠ ♠
All the rest of the chapter's will be flashbacks.