Musical Deaths


"Thats it. This place was created to hate me.."

It was the first of January. The big New Years Day that many around the world celebrated because they were being given a fresh new start. Unfortunately that only works for the people that want knew slates. I am perfectly happy with the way my life was, I didn't care that I didn't socialize. I mean, sure friends would be nice every now and again, but for the most part, I was a loner. I didn't want friends. But that wasn't what my parents wanted for me, and when you're only sixteen, really your life is just your parents second chance at being a teenager.

Maybe I should introduce myself. My name is Anna Lee Simms. Like said, I am sixteen, and thought you might not understand what I've suddenly become so emo about; My parents are making the entire family move to some god forsaken ghost town in some place I have never heard of, and I'm the only one that is upset about it! My older brother, Landon, was totally psyched about the move, since his girlfriend dumped him for his best friend. My younger sister, Karine, was easily bribed by "You'll have a bigger room for your dolls." and my parents were the ones that decided moving would be a good idea. I hate being the middle child.

"Cheer up, Anna. It wont be so bad, you'll see," My mom cooed. She tried her hardest to make me happy all the time. I tried telling her that no one is happy all the time, and that she shouldn't stress herself out for me, but she is my mom, so I knew it was just going to go in one ear and out the other.

"Yeah. I mean, push comes to shove you can just start cutting again." Landon teased in a whisper. His seat directly behind mine in the mini-van my parents owned. I didn't ever cut, really. I tried it once, just to see why my friend liked it so much, and it hurt like hell. I ran crying to my mom and ever since Landon never left me alone about it.

"Shut up, Landon. Don't be such a bitch 'cause your girlfriend left you for someone better." I hissed back, in the same low whisper. With a hurt look, mixed with anger, he sat back in his seat. I never knew where to draw the line at bickering with Landon. I always aimed to hurt him, even when I wasn't trying to hurt him. That was just how I was, closed off from the world, living in my own head. I lied a lot on total accident, I wasn't depressed often, I just didn't show a lot of emotions around strangers. The only person I was ever really sweet to was my parents and my little sister. Everyone else I was either completely quiet around, or like with Landon, a total bitch too.

I pushed a lock of my brown hair out of my face and starred out the window as the car traveled down the road. We were close to our new house, and I was told there was a surprise there for me already. That was the good thing about the house. The bad thing was that I hadn't seen another home for miles. They were moving me here so I would be social, and yet we were all the way back in lord knows where. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes as the music from my iPod drifted into my ears. I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy played. I had to set it down low in car rides so I could still communicate when ever someone would say something to me. Stupid rules.

"We're here!" I heard, my dad cheer and I opened my eyes. I hadn't been sleeping, it was only a few minutes and we were still in the mountains, there was no way we-...fuck. We were there. I could see the gorgeous house, white with a Black roof and trims. The porch was a deck, and the most beautiful thing about this place was the fact that all around it was a mountain. Like a bowl almost, with the bottom all moldy (aka the grass) and a piece of food still in it (aka the house). I couldn't stop it, I heard it bubbling up inside of me, and then soon a semi-loud squeal came from my mouth.

"It is gorgeous! Oh my god!" Sure, it looked like a trap from hell. We lived inside a crack in the mountain. Well, it looked man-made, but still. There was woods around the drive way, but they only went so deep before you hit the mountain wall that surrounded our house; but yet there was plenty of yard. As soon as the car was parked I jumped out and took a deep breath. It was total fresh mountain air. I always wanted to live in the mountains. I was going to start crying soon. This was the best surprise ever!

"This isn't your surprise, Anna. Go look at the top floor." My father said, tossing me the keys. I took off toward the house, unlocking the door and stepping inside. It was an older house, you could tell because all the floors were old wood looking, but yet still beautiful. I was half tempted to check out the bottom floor, but then I looked up and saw the stair case that wounded up to a hallway, then higher up too another door. I ran quicker then my tripp pants should have let me. The chains that hung from it beating my legs, I knew it would hurt after a while, but I just had to see the surprise. I finally made it to the door and put my hand on the door knob. It felt cold, but the house was warm. I shook my head and twisted the knob, opening it slowly.

The inside was beautiful. Unfurnished, of course, but it wasn't exactly an entire top floor. It was like a really big room, with a window that outlooked the back yard and I just knew it had to be my room. If it wasn't, then I would be so sad. I could picture everything going where it should. Thats when I saw it. The most beautiful creation made to man: A Fischer Piano. I let out a loud happy scream as I ran over there and ran my hand gently over the polished instrument. Most teenagers played the drums, or guitars, over played shit like that. I, played the piano. And I loved it. I ran out the room and down the stairs, tackling my dad in a hug. "THANK YOU!" I yelled happily.

"You're welcome, Anna-cake. That entire room is yours. We know how bad you didn't want to move." He said, ruffling my hair as he put me back down on the ground. I smiled. I loved both the surprises. To bad I didn't know there was another surprise coming to me...
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And cookies. I like cookies :DD