Musical Deaths


That night, I lied in bed, trying my best to get to sleep. Supper hadn't been to much of a disaster. I had managed to cook stuff without burning anything or exploding eggs. My mom seemed to like it and my dad was barely eating anything thanks to the foot-ball game that was on. But I really didn't care about whether or not I was a good cook. It was just the things I think about to try and fall asleep at night. The good things that happened that day, and all the wonderful things that might be able to happen tomorrow. But one thing was still haunting my mind. Like when you see a power ranger get shot on the street and it just so happens to be your favorite one. I couldn't help but think about it over and over, even though I knew I should just forget about it; being it was just my imagination running wild like it normally did.

You're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about. The boy. The one that was playing the piano as I left. Was he really there? Were we alone in this old house or was someone..or something here with us? Did I actually believe in that stuff? Ghosts and what not. And If he was real, did he want to hurt us or just be our friends? And how the hell did he know piano so well! I didn't even know ghosts could touch things, and now I have Bach's little boy playing down my piano and disappearing when ever I saw him. "Or, you're imagining it and should get out of the house for a bit.." I thought to my self as I stared up at the ceiling. I was probably right. It was probably just some weird thought I had because I was so bored. I mean, I don't even know if Bach had children, and if he did I highly doubt they would be haunting this house. But It did intrigue me to find out the history about this place. Where the piano came from and who lived here before us. What happened to them and all that great junk. But I didn't want my parents finding out, or my siblings, because lord knows they would probably just call me a freak or something. And I do not want that. At all.

I felt my eyes start to drift close, and I let out a yawn as I curled into my blankets. No pianos were being magically played, I was the only one in my room and I was tired as hell. I closed my eyes and I waited for sleep to take over my body. Unfortunately, it never came. Instead, I got the feeling I was being watched. I hated this feeling, where the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your stomach starts doing funny flips. So I rolled over to see if my mom or dad had come in to check on me. But the height and build was that of a teenage boy. Landon. Or so I thought, till I looked at his face. I had never seen this person in my life time. So I did was ever smart person who was in a dark room with a boy she had never seen before (if your not a slut), I screamed. Really loudly, jumped up and swung at the person, then round house kicked. Of course..What happened I wasn't expecting. My foot went right through them and collided with a box that held all my posters. I, fell to the floor on my ass with a really loud thud.

I heard my parents running down the hall, and I looked up at the boy. He only smirked then disappeared. "What the fuck...?" I spoke softly. Then the light from the hallway blinded into my room and my two very tired parents were staring at me with worry in their eyes.

"Whats the matter?" My dad said, rubbing his eyes and sliding his glasses back on.

"We heard you scream." My mother said.

"Nothing. I..thought I saw someone in my room. I think I was having a nightmare..I'm sorry." I said, blinking, trying my hardest not to cry at all of this.

"It's OK. Just, go back to sleep." My dad said, then walked off. My mom blew me a kiss, then closed the door too. I heard their foot steps walk away and then the soft thud that meant their door had been closed. That's when I stood up and turned on the light.

"OK. Whatever the fuck you are, get out here." I said, growling all though I felt my heart racing over a hundred miles per hour. No one showed up and I shook my head, laying back down on my bed. I knew he was there. That time I knew it. It wasn't just my imagination..or was it? Was it really a dream? "It couldn't have been a dream.." I whispered to myself, wrapping up in the blanket.

"Well, some people find me dreamy." A unfamiliar voice said. This time, I managed not to scream.
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I know it is short. I'm sorry. I'm at my friends house so it is hard to find time to update. I'll try to make the next one better :3

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