Musical Deaths


The next day was hell. I woke up late, thanks to my visitor, and my parents were rushing around to try and get ready for school and everything. That was one great thing about moving on Sunday, was the school expected you to be ready by Monday to get your ass in the doors. Luckily, they told my parents they would understand us coming a little late. But Dad had to get to work, and mom was busy trying to make sure we all had lunches, so of course I wasn't woken up till about..ten minutes till the bus was suppose to come. This, no matter how great this place was, was why I didn't want to move in the first place.

I jumped up and slid on my clothes. A simple pair of jeans and T-shirt. I was never one of those girls that got really dressed up for my classmates. I could careless, really. I put on some make-up for my own pleasure. A little eyeliner and some lip gloss. I ran a brush through my hair and ran down stairs in time to grab my breakfast and take off to the bus stop. My tennis shoes squeaked across the wet grass, I guess it rained last night, as I tried to make it to the stop in time. It was a good bit away from my house, but luckily I ran track at my old school. I made it just in time to see the bus leave.

"Fuck!" I yelled, taking off again. Some kids laughed, but I just scrunched my nose and jumped onto the back of the bus. It was probably not the safest place to ride, but I figured the bus driver wouldn't stop for me.

At the next stop, thankfully not far from my house, I walked onto the bus. I sat in a seat by myself. Not because I was anti-social, but because I was to tired to look for a cooler seat. You try holding onto the back of a bus. A boy, about my age, maybe a little older, sat on the seat next to me.

"You are very amusing." He said, smirking. He extended his hand toward me. "I'm David." David's voice was cute, and his face was pretty hot too.

"Glad I can make this Monday better for you." I said with a laugh, extending my hand to shake his. "Name is Anna. Or incredible monkey girl. Your choice." I said, laughing again.

"Anna will do. Anyways, you new here?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked, scooting over a bit so I could turn and look at him, my backpack in the floor between my feet.

"Eh, not really. Just that you came from the old Millers' house. And no one has lived there for the past five years." David said. I wondered why. It was a beautiful house.

"Why not?" I asked, tilting my head. But as soon as it came out, the bus stopped at school. Great.

"I'll tell you later. Anyways, what grade are you in?" He asked.

"Tenth. You?" I asked, pushing some hair out of my face as I grabbed my bag and followed him off of the yellow tank.

"Eleventh. But I think tenth and eleventh have lunch together, so I'll see you then, OK?" He said. When I hesitated he titled his head to the left slightly and pouted, giving the cutest, most adorable puppy dog face I had ever seen. My stomach did a flip and I gave a small giggle. "Can you really say no to this face?" He said, batting his eyelashes.

"I guess not. Sure, I'll join you at lunch." I said, biting my lip slightly to keep from blushing.

"Good. See you later." He said with a wink, then started walking off. He slapped hands with another boy, who playfully punched another boy. I guess that was his posse or whatever it is called. I walked to the principles office to report for duty. Or whatever it is called. My head was kind of in a flurry after all that. I think I had just gotten my first crush here.


I walked into the lunch room, then headed to the lunch line. I got some food, not much being I wasn't really hungry, and then I felt someone come up behind me and cover my eyes.

"Guess who." He said. I could tell who it was. The only person I'd met today. If it was anyone else, they would probably have a foot in their balls right now.

"Uh. The easter bunny?" I said. Laughing slightly.

"Nope. Guess again." He said, by his voice I could see his perfect face smirking.

"Uh..David, was it? Or Donald?" I said, playfully.

"Haha. Funny. Try again." The lunch lady scoffed and tapped the spoon on something. I couldn't see, but I heard the metal sound.

"Hmm....Daniel?" I said, holding back a laugh at the 'ding, ding, ding' noise the lunch lady made.

"You're amazing." David said, laughing as he let his hands go down to his sides. I paid for my lunch and he slipped his arm into mind as he led me over to a table that already had some people at it. One kid had a blue hat on that had a Tarheels symbol on it. The other had a black jacket on and his lip pierced, with red all in his hair. The other kid had straight blonde hair and brown eyes. He seemed really short compared to the other ones. "Guys, this is Anna, Anna, this is the douche squad." Daniel said. I laughed as the blonde kid scrunched his nose.

"I'm Todd," the blue hat kid said, "That's Evan," he said, pointing to the blonde, "And that is Jeremy." He said, pointing to the one with the lip ring.

"Jericho." The kid corrected.

"Whatever man. That is the gayest name ever." Todd said. "Why did you even come up with that name for yourself?" Todd said, flicking a apple piece at him.

"It's better then Todd." Jericho (or Jeremy, don't know what I'm going to call him yet) said, catching the apple piece and eating it. He pronounced the last 'd' with a 'da' sound.

"Whatever." Todd stated.

"Anyways," Daniel said, sitting down. I sat down next to him. "You can sit with us. Since, sitting alone in high school is a death threat." Daniel said, laughing.

"Thanks." I said, looking down at my tray. All I had on it was a banana, an apple and a pudding. Oh, and a milk.

"You anorexic?" Evan spoke.

"Uh. No. I just don't like eating school food." I said, grabbing the milk and opening it.

"I help you out with that." Evan said, reaching over and grabbing the pudding. Todd laughed and Daniel rolled his eyes.

"Evan has horrible grammar. But it's because he is an exchange student from somewhere." Daniel said. He grabbed the pudding and handed it back to me. "And horrible manners." Daniel said.

"Ha. I'll remember that." I said, taking a bite of my pudding. I swallowed before sticking my tongue out at Evan, who pouted. Jericho (yeah, I'll call him that) laughed.

"You just got owned by a chick." He said.

"You say that like it's a bad thing, Mr. Jericho." I stated. I liked these people.

"Pssh. Mr. Jericho is my dad...OK so he isn't, but yeah. You get my meaning. Don't call me that." Jericho said.

"Fine, fine." I said, taking another bite.

"So, where are you from?" Todd asked.

"Does it matter?" I asked. I didn't feel like going through the story.

"No. But it lets us get to know you."

"My parents. They got it on and nine months later, viola!" I said, raising my hands up in a car model pose. Daniel's turn to laugh.

"Nice. I think that is other words for 'Fuck off, looser.'" He said to Todd. Todd rolled his eyes and ate a piece of food.

After a few more questions, the school bell rang and I got escorted to my class by Daniel. This was so weird. I didn't even think about Kyle all day. Which, maybe was a good thing?
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know, I suck.
But I swear to get on the ball!
A comment would make me happy? Just one. Please? :3
