Battle Royale-Moulsham.

Unlucky Start

She let out an agonizing cry. This was harder than she had pictured. Ellie Mears, girl 16, pulled the bandage tighter around her leg, yet the blood soaked through. She’d almost got away. He was inches from his death, but he was just one step ahead. The pain had ripped through her as the bullet pierced her leg. Though, he was wounded. He was vulnerable. She’d managed to get a shot in. His shoulder. He wouldn’t be a good shot if he couldn’t wield the gun! With any luck, he would bleed to death. Or the wound would get infected. Neither would be a nice way to go. Both were slow…painful. How could he shoot her? What kind of a sick-minded person could play this game? She would’ve understood if he’d shot her out of self defense, but she was trying to make peace! She wasn’t playing this game. How could anyone?
She pulled the bandage tight again, and tied it carefully. Ellie winced as the pain shot down her leg. How could she do this now? How could she get to cover with a wounded leg? Okay, so she had a gun. But how could that help her run when she needed to move? Exactly, it couldn’t.
Grabbing a branch of the tree next to her, Ellie pulled herself up. 'Okay' She thought if I can walk, it will be a miracle! She put her wounded leg in front of the other, and gradually put all her weight on it. She was steady for only a few seconds, until a searing pain was sent down her leg, and she collapsed in a heap on the floor. 'Yeah right, so much for my miracle'. So far, this game was not going well. Digging through her bag, she found what she was looking for; the map of the island. She scanned across for something that looked vaguely familiar. She recognized the building she had passed not too long ago; the clinic. Perfect. Stuffing the map back into her bag, Ellie managed to pull herself up. If she managed to get to the clinic, she could clean up her leg, and hopefully get back in the game. The only hard part would be walking there. For the second time, Ellie put her wounded leg to the ground, and leaned against it. She took a step forward. To her surprise, she stayed upright! Slowly, but steadily, she took a few more steps toward the clinic. With any luck, she would reach there before anyone else had time to.
After what felt like hours of walking, Ellie reached a neat little shack. Well this looks hopeful she thought to herself. Loading her gun just in case, she stepped toward the window. She peered through the glass. It was empty and the lights were off. It was in darkness. She walked through the door, and collapsed onto one of the chairs. All around the room were cupboards, probably filled with lotions and potions to heal the wounded, and cure the sick. 'Okay' she thought to herself 'where the hell do I start?' Deciding on a certain small white cupboard in the corner, Ellie started to search. She found enough bandages to wrap a mummy 3 times over, antiseptic and water. Ellie washed out the wound on her leg, and winced as she sprayed it with antiseptic. This time the blood did not soak through the bandage and she carefully tied it. The sun was rising in the horizon. She didn’t have long. She had to get out of here by light. She had to keep moving, to make sure there was the least possible chance of running into anyone she really didn’t want to. Ellie stuffed her bag with bandages, more antiseptic spray, and bottles of water. She would get through this. She was determined. Ellie ran out into the cool early morning air, and into the game.
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Hope you like it. This took me ages! Damn writers block...
And, as usual, I'm going to ask you to comment! :P So yeah... Please comment! =)