Battle Royale-Moulsham.

Dont Panic!

Across the room, another girl had woken, her dark hair flowing over her face. She lay there, too confused to move. She tried to block out the sounds of others’ conversations, but she could still hear them, she could still hear the panicking of even the bravest of her classmates.
“Kim!” Kimberley Bell, girl 5, didn’t have time to react to hearing her name, before Emily Axford, girl 4, dived at her, and held her tight. Kimberley sat up, and wrapped her arms around Emily. Throughout the room, she could hear crying, weeping, but one set of tears stood out the most. The sound was so close, yet she couldn’t work out where it was coming from. It suddenly hit her, the sobs were escaping from her mouth, and she was in hysterics. Her breathing became shallower, and her body began to shake.
“Kim?!” Emily cried, but she couldn’t seem to get her attention. “Someone help!” Abigail Robertson, girl 1, ran over, and knelt beside her.
“No, no, no. Please God no” She kept repeating to herself, not meaning to be overheard.
“Does anyone have a bag?” She shouted desperately.
“I have!” Daniel Ludlow, boy 7, shouted across the room. He crossed the room in no hurry, and put out his hand, holding the paper bag loosely. Abigail snatched the bag, opened it, and held it to Kimberley’s mouth. After what seemed like hours, her breathing clamed down, her body stopped shaking, and everyone returned to their own conversations.
Abigail, Emily, Dan and Kim sat in silence, but they all knew what the others were thinking, it was obvious.
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