Battle Royale-Moulsham.

So We're Alll Going To Die

“I bet we’re all going to die” came a boy’s voice, shaking slightly, yet loud enough to get everyone’s attention. Everyone turned to look at Kieran Gunn, boy 16.
“You know where we are, right?” He asked, gazing at the faces watching him, not understanding. “We’re at the school.”
Looking around, everyone noticed they were in an old classroom, and suddenly seemed to know exactly what he was saying. He continued.
“I remember this room, don’t you? That American class were the last to be here, y’know, when that blond kid won. And now it’s our turn. We’re here. We’re on battle Royale, and there’s not a DAMN thing anyone can do about it” He raised his voice slightly in anger. As he did so, a muffled scream could be heard the other side of the room. The scream had come from Elizabeth Ecclestone, girl 3. She was pale, like she’d seen a ghost. They heard clapping, and turned to see a tall blond woman, wearing a light grey suit.
“Well done!” A cheery voice exclaimed, “I was wondering who would catch on first, though I didn’t expect it to be so soon! If everyone will take a seat, we can begin today’s lesson.”
Everyone took a seat. All except Lee Gavin, boy 15.
“Why? Why should we do anything you tell us to? Who ARE you?” He shouted at her.
“Please Mr…” - she looked down at her clipboard – “Mr Gavin, if you take your seat, everything will be explained shortly.”
“No! No WAY! There is no way I’m staying here listening to this crap. I’m OUTA here!” He walked towards the door, until two very large men in army greens stood in his way.
“I hate to do this”- she glanced toward the three of them – “ But I will have to have you restrained. She nodded at the two army-men, and they held Lee between them, so he was unable to move.
“Now, let me explain. My name is Miss Lane and…” – she paused – “Congratulations! You have been chosen to participate in the UK’s first Battle Royale!” She beamed.
Across the classroom, the reactions varied amazingly. Some gasped, the fear whipping the air away from them, others screamed, unable to contain the feelings inside them. The rest brought their hands to their mouths, trying to hide their reaction.
“I see you know what I’m talking about, but I still have to explain the rules to you. We are currently on a deserted island that looks a bit like this!” – She gestured towards a map – “It’s about 10km around, and we evacuated everyone, so it’s empty! The island's divided into many zones. Every six hours, I, your teacher, will broadcast updates about which zones are becoming danger zones. I would advise you to keep away from these zones when they become…” – There short was a pause as she decided the best choice of words – “…dangerous! Because when they become danger zones, these wonderful necklaces will explode!” She seemed to thrive on the fear of the students, as her smile would seem less fake each time someone let out a scream.
“They're 100% waterproof and shockproof...and permanent. It monitors your pulse, informing us of your location and movements. So if you linger in a danger zone, or cause trouble, we can identify you and transmit radio waves that trigger an alarm and boom! It explodes! If you try to rip it off, it explodes too, so promise not to do that, okay?
“Oh, and before I forget, you have a time limit. If there is no winner within three days, all the necklaces with explode, and nobody wins! So I encourage you to play hard!” Miss Lane glanced over at Lee, still struggling to get away from the soldiers holding him in place. “Ah, Mr. Gavin, I think you’re going to be a bit of a problem. Well, let’s put you to good use! You can demonstrate! This is why you DON’T want to be in the danger zones…” She pulled a remote control from her blazer pocket, and pointed at Lee. As soon as the collar around his neck flashed red, and the soldiers stepped away from him, everyone knew his fate was sealed. Some of the girls turned their heads, while the boys watched, like it was some horror film, eagerly waiting. The explosion of the collar was only small, yet it caused screams to pierce the cool air.
“No!!” Screamed Georgina Fitt, girl 17. There was a crash, and his body fell to the floor. There was more screams, but some were just too afraid to breathe. Blood surrounded Lee’s body, escaping the severed artery in his neck. His entire head had been shredded to pieces. Fragments of his skull littered the floor, along with pieces of his brain, and scalp. Mrs. Lane clapped again.
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