Battle Royale-Moulsham.

Game On

Outside, the air was cool on her face. Emily Axford, girl 4, stumbled toward the dark forest, and collapsed behind a huge oak. She unzipped her bag, and dug her way to the bottom. She pulled out a coat hanger.
“What the fuck is this?!” She cried, a little too loudly. She examined her poor excuse for a weapon, as the tears soaked her face. She turned around; the noise of trees rustling behind had startled her. The rustling of the trees grew louder. Someone was getting closer, but who? Emily wielded her coat hanger, knowing it wouldn’t do much help, but felt strangely comforted by it. She saw the silhouette coming towards her, and as it reached the edge, she recognized her straight away. Joanne Gullick, girl 2. Joanne’s face lit up as soon as she saw Emily. She ran over to hug her, but Emily did not drop her ‘weapon’.
“Emily, it’s me, Jo. You don’t have to worry; I’m not playing this stupid game! We’re going to find a way out!” Her voice was wobbling; this wasn’t really her best friend was it? It certainly didn’t look like her.
Emily stood up, not once looking away from Jo. “What weapon have you got? Show me!”
Joanne opened her bag, and pulled out a .44 automag pistol. Emily stared at the gun held in Jo’s hand.
“Let me see it. I don’t want you having the weapon. How do I know you won’t use it against me? How do I really know you’re not playing?” Emily’s voice was hard, cold. She held her hand out, expecting Jo to just hand over her only weapon.
“No. How do I know you’re not just going to shoot me, and run off?” Jo’s voice was harsh, yet the fear could easily be recognized.
For a second, Emily smiled her heart-warming smile “Jo, you’re my best friend, how could I do that to you? Please? Just let me see it” She seemed genuine, but when Jo refused, the kindness disappeared, and turned to anger. She lunged toward Jo, reaching for the pistol. She tried to pull her arm out of the way, to stop Emily taking the gun. But before she could get out of the way, Emily grabbed her wrists. She struggled to break free, but as hard as she tried, it was close to impossible. There was gunshot, and a scream echoed through the forest. Both girls fell to the floor, covered in blood, but only one got up again. Emily was lying on the ground, blood shooting out a barely visible hole in her chest, right where her heart should be. Jo stood, her body shaking.
Emily Axford, girl 5. DECEASED.
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Okay, so I know I've said this for the rest... please comment! xD