Battle Royale-Moulsham.

Could You Take It?

Joanne Gullick, girl 2 stopped dead in her tracks. Had she really just shot her? Emily Axford, her best friend was dead, all because of her. No, all because of this stupid game. Joanne shook the thoughts from her head. She had to focus. She had to focus on finding a way off this island alive, letting no-one get hurt in the process. She looked down. Blood soaked her once pearly white shirt, and her tan tights. Blood. Emily’s blood. Joanne shuddered.
“Jo?!” She turned to see who was shouting, no, spluttering her name. Elizabeth Ecclestone, girl 3 stood in the moonlight.
“Lizzie!” Jo screamed, already running toward her. But as she grew closer, instinct told her something was wrong. Lizzie wasn’t flashing her usual smile. Tears stained her cheeks. But that wasn’t it. No, it was the blood running down her neck that wasn’t right. Jo tried to scream, but her voice was stuck. Lizzie laid her head back, and it was only then that Jo realized her friend was dying. No, her friend was dead. Her head hit the ground, and seconds later, her body followed. Finally, Jo’s voice let go. She screamed out in agony. She fell to the floor and held Lizzie’s hand. It was still warm. The sobs escaping her throat grew louder and louder as she clutched her hand. How much more could she take?
Elizabeth Ecclestone, girl 3. DECEASED.
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This is the result of a VERY boring Graphics lesson! At least I was being Creative?
Please comment, I'd love to know what you think of it!