Battle Royale-Moulsham.

Safety Is In Numbers

“Sarah?” Screamed Reann Radcliffe, girl 12. Sarah Holden, girl 11, whipped around to face her.
“Reann!” Sarah had never been so happy to see her friend. She ran over, and hugged her tight. Reann heard a crash at their feet, and the sound startled her. She peered down, and saw an IMI Uzi. She let out a quiet gasp.
“Y…you’re not p…playing are you?” she could hardly spit the words out.
Sarah stepped back, and looked at her, horrified. “How could you think I’m playing this? It’s... its just sick!” Reann looked relieved.
“Good, me neither” – she smiled half-heartedly – “I… I’m going to try and find others. Other who won’t play this game. Others who want to get out of here. And we will find a way. I know we will. Are you in?” She held out her hand.
Sarah smiled.
She shook Reann’s hand. “I’m in. Err…what’ your weapon?”
Reann looked slightly worried. She removed a shiny item from her bag; A tiara. She couldn’t help herself; Sarah burst out laughing.
“Not funny!” Reann shrieked, but she couldn’t hold in her laughter either. Their giggles turned to tears as they realized what they were laughing at. They were both thinking the same thing. What if it hadn’t been Sarah that had found Reann first? What if it had been someone playing? What if they’d killed her? Both girls shuddered at the thought. The trees behind them rustled and they screamed as a dark figure emerged through the bushes. A tired, messy-looking Frances Stebbing, girl 20, staggered out. Her free hand flew to her mouth when she saw the weapon by Sarah’s feet. In her other hand, she gripped a pickaxe. She back turned to run again, but Reann shouted out to her. “No! Don’t run! we’re not playing! We’re finding others who aren’t playing; we’re going to get out of here!” As Frances turned to face them, Sarah and Reann smiled, showing they were genuine. They took a step forward, as did Frances. She was wary, not sure how close to get.
“I…I don’t trust you. How do I know you’re not lying to me? How do I know you’re not playing?” She yelled back to them. Sarah smiled sweetly.
“You don’t” called Sarah “You just have to trust us. Come on, do you think us, of all people, could play this sick game?”
“I…I’m so sorry!” Frances started to cry. No, she was sobbing. She ran until she reached the other girls, and attempted to smile.
“I’m sorry I didn’t trust you, I’m just so scared” Her voice was slightly wobbly, probably through fear. “So, who else do you think wont be playing the game?”
“Not sure yet. We can’t be sure. We will have to find out. But trust me, there will be loads” Reann smiled weakly. She wasn’t sure. How could she be? Some of the boys in their class were just…you couldn’t be sure of them. You couldn’t be sure what they’re thinking, or how they’re thinking. And it wasn’t just the boys. Some of the girls were just as bad. She was trying to reassure Frances, but the doubts were there. They had to be. If they were going to survive this, they had to be aware of all the dangers. And as she tried to push the thoughts from her head, Reann just couldn’t accept the fact. If they were going to survive this, people would have to die. Her friends would have to die. But would she be able to? Could she really pull the trigger? Could she really make that fatal move? As hard as this was to think about, she had to, because if not, it could cost her life.
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