Behind Closed Doors


Two weeks had passed, and Roxanna still hadn’t found out about Gabe and Delia being in a real relationship. They had decided it would be best if she didn’t find out for a while, so they tried to hide it from her. They had told Madison, though, and the rest of Cobra Starship never knew they were in a fake relationship to begin with, so they knew, too.

Delia and Madison were currently sitting in the back of the bakery, decorating a wedding cake that was to be delivered the next day. Ilsa had left to go home about a half an hour ago, leaving the two younger girls to finish the cake by themselves.

“So, any plans for tonight?” Madison asked Delia.

“Nope,” Delia replied. “I think Gabe’s hanging out with William and maybe Cobra tonight.”

“How’s everything going between you two?” Madison asked.

“It’s good. You know, I never thought I could actually ever fall for Gabe Saporta, but I was wrong. He is amazing,” Delia said with a smile.

“And Roxanna still doesn’t know?”

“Yeah, right!” Delia replied with a laugh. “Can you imagine what she would be like if she found out that Gabe and I were dating for real?”

All of a sudden, Delia and Madison heard someone yell, “You’re what?” from the front of the store. They both stood up, running to the front, to find Roxanna standing there with her mouth wide open.

“Roxanna, what are you doing here?” Delia asked, hoping Roxanna hadn’t just heard her conversation with Madison. But, from the way she looked like she was about to kill someone, Delia knew she had heard it.

“I came to see you, but obviously you weren’t expecting me,” Roxanna said. “Please tell me that what you and Madison were talking about was a complete joke.”

“What do you mean?” Delia asked, not wanting to have this conversation with Roxanna.

“Please tell me you’re not dating Gabe,” Roxanna said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Of course I’m dating Gabe! That was your plan, don’t you remember?” Delia asked, intentionally playing dumb.

“Don’t lie to me, Delia,” Roxanna warned.

“Fine,” Delia sighed. “Gabe and I are going out.”

“As in you’re going out in real life? Not just for the paparazzi?” Roxanna clarified.

Delia nodded her head. “Yeah,” she said quietly.

“What the fuck is wrong with the two of you?” Roxanna screamed.

“I don’t get what’s so bad about it,” Delia said. “I mean, wasn’t your whole plan because Gabe was a womanizer in front of the press. Now, he’s with me, and he’s not.”

“That you know of,” Roxanna muttered.


“Delia, Gabe’s a player. That’s just who he is. You didn’t honestly think you could change him, did you? He’s always going to be that player. Making things official with you isn’t going to change that,” Roxanna told her.

Delia stared at her. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, really? I’ve known Gabe for a couple of years. You’ve known him for how long? A couple of months?”

“Roxanna, he’s changed,” Delia said.

“Well, don’t come crying to me when he cheats on you,” Roxanna said as she walked out the front door.

Delia walked back to the back where Madison had gone to finish the cake. “Well, that didn’t go over so well, did it?” Madison asked.

“I don’t know,” Delia said shaking her head. “I mean I knew she’d be upset, but I didn’t think she’d be that bad. It’s like she wants Gabe to cheat on me or something.”

“I don’t know, but I wouldn’t worry about it. You and Gabe are good together. Nothing Roxanna says is going to change that,” Madison told her as she applied the last layer of frosting to the cake.

“Thanks,” Delia said with a smile. “I needed to hear that.”

Meanwhile, Gabe was hanging out with William, who he hadn’t been talking to as often as he was before, and William wouldn’t let him forget it.

“Where have you been at?” William asked Gabe.

“What do you mean?” Gabe asked.

“Dude, we haven’t went out in like three weeks,” William replied.

“You know I’ve been hanging out with Delia,” Gabe told him.

William rolled his eyes. “So what? You’re going to let some chick change you?”

“She’s not changing me,” Gabe argued. “I’m exactly who I was before.”

“Oh yeah?” William asked. “Then prove it. Let’s go out tonight. We’ll go drink like we used to and pick up some girls.”

“Yes to the drinking, no to the girls,” Gabe replied. “I’ve got Delia, and I’m not going to screw that up.”

“And you say you haven’t changed,” William muttered.

“Whatever, man,” Gabe said rolling his eyes as he pushed William out the door, and they headed downtown to a club.
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