Behind Closed Doors


Gabe sat at the table with William and a bunch of girls he didn’t know the names of. He knew he was already drunk way past his limit, but he couldn’t stop. William just kept telling him to let loose and not worry about Delia, and he was being handed drinks left and right. So, he just kept drinking.

Two hours had passed, not that Gabe had noticed since he was too drunk to realize anything at that point. Roxanna walked into the club and immediately saw Gabe and William sitting in the corner with a bunch of girls all over them. Roxanna marched over to Gabe and noticed that he was completely wasted.

“Gabe, what are you doing here?” Roxanna asked as she pushed the girl sitting next to him out of her seat and sat down.

“Umm…” Gabe said laughing.

“What about Delia?” Roxanna questioned.

“Delia? Oh, Delia. She’s pretty. I love her,” Gabe said in his drunken state.

“Yeah,” Roxanna smiled. “So, what do you say we get out of here?”

“I don’t want to go,” Gabe whined.

“Seriously, Gabe, let’s go. I’ll take you back home,” Roxanna argued.

“No,” Gabe protested.

“Gabe, we’re going now,” Roxanna said as she grabbed his arm to pick him up. Gabe stumbled, but eventually found his footing. They slowly made their way to Roxanna’s car, as Gabe kept tripping every five seconds.

Finally, Gabe had made it to the passenger’s seat and Roxanna walked around to the driver’s side and started the car. Gabe looked over at Roxanna. “You’re so pretty, Delia,” he said.

Roxanna looked over at him. “I’m not…” she began but was cut off by Gabe.

“I’m so glad we’re together,” Gabe stuttered.

“Me, too,” Roxanna smiled as Gabe reached over and grabbed her hand. The rest of the time, they were quiet as Roxanna drove to Gabe’s apartment.

“Do you want to come in, Del?” Gabe asked when Roxanna pulled up to his apartment.

Roxanna laughed. “I don’t think you could make it up to your apartment without me.”

“Come on,” he said as he got out of the car. He waited for Roxanna to walk around the car before he took her hand in his once again. Roxanna guided Gabe to his apartment, as he kept staggering the entire way.

When they finally reached his the door of his apartment, Gabe fumbled, trying to find his key. “Here it is,” he said happily when he reached into his pocket and found the key. He tried to put it into the lock, but kept missing the hole.

“Let me,” Roxanna smiled, as she grabbed Gabe’s hand and took the keys from him. She promptly opened the door and walked in with him.

“Thanks, Del. I don’t know what I would do without you,” he said drunkenly.

Roxanna remained silent, not knowing whether or not to try to tell Gabe that she wasn’t Delia, but her sister instead.

“Delia, you know I love you, right?” he asked as he turned around to look at Roxanna.

“Yeah,” Roxanna replied. Gabe walked over to her, pushed her hair behind her ear, and proceeded to kiss her passionately.

Roxanna didn’t know what to do, but she knew she didn’t want the kiss to end. So, she quickly deepened the kiss. After a few minutes, Roxanna began grabbing the bottom of Gabe’s shirt and tried lifting it over his head. After that was accomplished, she began working on his pants.

Gabe suddenly pulled away and looked at Roxanna. “Delia, are you sure?” he asked. “I mean we can wait, it’s fine with me,” he said sincerely.

Roxanna looked at him. “I don’t want to wait. I want this now,” she said as she kissed him again.

“If you’re sure,” Gabe said against her lips as he guided her back to his bedroom. Roxanna kicked the door with her heel, trying to shut it behind her.

Meanwhile, Delia and Madison had just finished decorating the cake for tomorrow. “Finally!” Madison exclaimed.

“I know,” Delia laughed. “So, what’s your plans for now?”

“I don’t know. I’ll probably just go back home and watch some tv.”

“Well, have fun. I think I’m going to go check on Gabe. After going out with William, I’m pretty sure he’s going to be completely wasted, so I’m going to make sure he made it home okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, though, okay?” Delia told her.

“Yep, bye,” Madison said with a smile as the two girls walked out of the shop, locking the door behind them.

Delia arrived at Gabe’s apartment fifteen minutes later. She saw a random car parked out front, but didn’t think anything of it.

She made her way up the stairs to Gabe’s apartment. She knocked on the door, but no one answered. She was about to leave, when without thinking, she tried the doorknob, which surprisingly opened. Gabe was probably too drunk to even remember to lock the door, she thought to herself.

She walked into the apartment, looking for Gabe. She saw his shirt lying on the floor of the living room and knew that he had gotten back home. She walked back to his bedroom to see the door slightly ajar.

She pushed the door open and walked into the bedroom. The sight before her made her stand there frozen. She could see Gabe in bed with another girl. She was ready to run out of the room when the girl’s head turned around, and Delia saw it was Roxanna.

“Oh my god!” Delia screamed as she ran as fast as she could out of the apartment and down to her car. She promptly started the car and drove as fast as she could away from the man that had just shattered her heart into pieces.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did anyone see that coming???
I would love to hear what you thought! Comment, please!!!