Behind Closed Doors

I Told You So

Delia stood in front of Madison’s apartment, waiting on her to come answer the door. Ten seconds later, the door swung open with Madison saying, “What do you want?” As soon as she saw it was Delia and how upset she looked, she quickly said, “Delia, what’s wrong? Come on in.”

“I’m sorry, Mads,” she said walking in the apartment. “I didn’t know where to go. I didn’t want to go back to my place because I’m sure that’s the first place he’s going to go.”

“Who?” Madison asked, confused, as she sat down on the couch and turned off the television.

“Gabe,” Delia replied as she sat down in the chair opposite of Madison.

“Wait, Del, I’m confused, why don’t you want to see Gabe?”

“He cheated on me,” she said quietly.

“He what?” Madison asked, completely dumbfounded.

“With Roxanna,” she added.

“He what?” Madison repeated, louder.

“Yeah, I found them in bed together.”

“Okay, you have to start from the beginning. I mean the last thing I know is that you were planning on going over to his place to make sure he had gotten home okay.”

“Yeah. I went over there, and I knocked on the door. He didn’t answer, and for some reason I decided to try the door, which was unlocked. I figured he had just been too drunk to remember to lock it. I start looking for him, and I end up going back to his bedroom. The door was open a little bit, and I pushed it open the rest of the way. I go in, and he’s in bed having sex with someone. I was ready to leave right then, until the girl turns around, and I can see her face. It was Roxanna.”

“Oh my god!” Madison exclaimed.

“God, how could I have been so stupid?” Delia asked as she put her head in her hands.

“You’re not stupid. Gabe is. I don’t understand why he’d cheat on you. Especially with Roxanna!” Madison exclaimed.

“Do you mind if I stay here for the night? I really don’t want to have to deal with Gabe if he goes to my apartment,” Delia said.

“Of course that’s fine,” Madison said with a smile.

“Madison, would you think I was crazy if I told you that part of me wants to give him the benefit of the doubt?”

Madison looked at her. “I wouldn’t think you were crazy. But I would ask you if you’re seriously considering forgiving him so easily.”

“Of course not!” Delia told her. “When I saw him in bed with another girl, I was devastated. And now, I can’t get that damn image of him and Roxanna out of my head.”

“I’m sorry, Del. Do you want me to go cut his dick off?” Madison asked jokingly.

Delia began laughing. “You know the funny thing is, when I first met his band, and they didn’t know that at the time our relationship was fake, I told them that if he ever cheated on me again, I’d castrate him.”

“That sounds like a good plan right now,” Madison said with a smile.

Delia woke up the next morning, trying to figure out if she had had a nightmare, or if it was real. She saw Madison come out into the living room, and said, “Please tell me it was all a dream.”

“I’m sorry,” Madison said. “Were you okay on the couch?”

“Yeah,” Delia said sadly. “What time is it?”

“Seven. You can go take a shower, and if you want, you can just borrow some of my clothes for work,” Madison told her.

“Thanks,” Delia said with a slight smile.

Delia and Madison got to work with about two minutes to spare. There was a note in the back saying that Ilsa would be in later because she was meeting with potential clients. “Is she ever here?” Madison asked after she had finished reading the note.

“I’m starting to think no,” Delia replied with a laugh as they opened the shop and started working on some of the orders.

About twenty minutes later, the front door opened, and Delia and Madison looked up to see Roxanna standing there.

“Get out,” Madison said immediately.

“I need to talk to you, Delia,” Roxanna said.

“Roxanna, I really don’t want to talk to you right now,” Delia told her.

“Del, seriously, there’s some things you need to hear.”

“Roxanna, I don’t need to hear anything, okay? I saw enough last night.”

“Delia, I’m sorry,” she said. “I was drunk. I didn’t know what I was doing,” she lied.

“You were drunk?” Delia asked.

“Yeah. I went to a club, and I was drinking. I was completely wasted by the time Gabe got there. I had no idea what I was doing. All I remember is hearing you scream last night. And then, I remember waking up this morning, and everything started coming back to me. I’m sorry,” Roxanna repeated.

“Was Gabe drunk?” Delia asked.

“I don’t think he was as bad as me, but I’m sure he had a few drinks.”

“That’s still no excuse. God, he cheated on me. With my own sister,” Delia exclaimed.

“I hate saying this, Del, but I told you that Gabe isn’t going to change,” Roxanna said quietly.

“Really?” Madison yelled. “Do you really think now is the time to say that? God, Roxanna, you’re the one he slept with!”

“I already told you, I was completely wasted. I had no idea what I was doing, not that it’s any of your business,” Roxanna said looking at Madison.

“Roxanna, just go,” Delia said.

“But…” Roxanna began.

“Go,” Delia repeated, pointing toward the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, who completely hates Roxanna now??
Let me know what you think :)