Behind Closed Doors


Delia sat at her computer the next morning, looking up different places that were looking for employees. So far, the only place that was looking for a pastry chef was Walmart, and Delia was just not ready to take that job yet. She heard a knock on her door, and got up to look through the peephole, in order to make sure it wasn’t Gabe. She still wasn’t ready to talk to him again. But, instead, she saw Madison standing there.

Delia immediately opened the door to let her in. “Any luck looking for a job?” Delia asked.

“Nope,” Madison replied. “You didn’t happen to look at Perez Hilton this morning, did you?”

“Madison, you know I’m not addicted like you,” she said with a laugh. “Why?”

“There may be something on there about Gabe cheating on you,” Madison said slowly.

“What?” Delia exclaimed as she ran over to her computer and typed in the web address. The page loaded, and she scrolled down the page to see an article about Gabe and her.

Gabe Saporta Back to His Old Ways

It seems Mr. Saporta just can’t stop his two-timing ways. It appears he has cheated on his nice, new girlfriend, Delia Snow. An insider has confided solely to Perez that Gabe went to a club last night and then left with another girl.

Our source says, “The girl was completely wasted, and I’m not sure if he was, too. But, they seemed to be awfully close. The two went back to his apartment, and the girl did not leave until the next morning, in the clothes she wore the previous night, and with obvious sex hair.”

So, Gabe, was dating Delia all a ploy? Because it’s obvious you’ve reverted back to your old habits. Let’s hope Delia isn’t too crushed by all of this. She seems like such a nice girl.

“Oh my god!” Delia cried after she had finished reading the entire article.

“Well, at least Perez likes you,” Madison said with a smile.

“How did they even find out? I mean this person saw them at the club, and they knew that Roxanna left the next morning. Who the hell is this? Some stalker?” Delia asked.

“I don’t know,” Madison admitted. “I’m sorry, but I knew you needed to know.”

“I’m glad you told me Madison,” Delia told her. “I just hate that this is happening. I mean I guess I should have listened to Roxanna when she told me he could never change.”

“Don’t you dare forgive Roxanna!” Madison screamed. “This wasn’t all Gabe. Roxanna was there, too.”

“Yeah, but Roxanna was wasted. She didn’t know what she was doing,” Delia defended her sister.

“And that gives her the right to sleep with your boyfriend?” Madison questioned. “And besides, how do you know that Gabe wasn’t completely wasted, too? I mean you were the one who told me that you were going to go check on him to make sure he got home because you figured he would be completely trashed by going out with William.”

“Why are you defending Gabe?” Delia asked her best friend. “He cheated on me.”

“Yes, I know that. I’m just saying don’t put all the blame on Gabe. It’s Roxanna’s fault, too.”

“I know that!” Delia screamed. “God! My boyfriend and my sister had sex! I know it was both of their faults.”

“Okay, Del, calm down. I’m sorry,” Madison apologized.

“I’m sorry, too,” Delia said calmly. “It’s just everything’s getting to me. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is Gabe and Roxanna having sex in that bed.”

“I’m sorry, Del.”

There was a knock on the door, and Delia went to go answer it. When she opened the door, she saw Gabe standing on the other side. “Gabe, now is really not a good time,” she told him.

“Please, Delia, we really need to talk,” he pleaded.

“I think I’m going to head out of here,” Madison said walking around Delia and Gabe. “I’ll talk to you later, Del,” she said, leaving Gabe and Delia just standing there, staring at each other.

“What do you want Gabe?”

“I want to apologize again. I don’t know if you saw Perez Hilton, but…” he began.

“Yeah, Madison showed it to me,” Delia replied.

“Well, I’m sorry. I don’t know who told them, but I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have to be going through this right now.”

“You’re damn right, Gabe. I shouldn’t have to be going through this right now. And I wouldn’t be if you could have just kept it in your pants. But, no. You had to go have sex, and of all people Roxanna! Guess what, Gabe. My life is hell right now. I’m pissed at you for cheating on me. I’m pissed at Roxanna for sleeping with you. I’m pissed at myself for ever letting you into my life. God, Gabe! My life is a mess right now, and it’s all because of the last two days. The press is all over me. I lost my boyfriend and my sister. Hell, I lost my job!” Delia vented.

“You lost your job?” Gabe asked.

“Yeah, Gabe, I lost my job. And it was because I left the shop yesterday when you come in to talk to me. Ilsa found out and fired me. And, as a result, Madison quit. So, now both of us have no job,” Delia told him.

“I’m sorry,” Gabe apologized.

“Gabe, you can say you’re sorry as many times as you want, but it’s not going to change anything,” Delia said. “Please, just leave.”

“Okay,” Gabe relented, walking toward the door. “Bye, Del.”

“Bye,” she replied, turning her back on him.

Not knowing where else to go, Gabe decided to go to Alex’s apartment. When he arrived there, he found the rest of Cobra there, too.

“Hey, man,” Alex said, letting him in.

“Well if it isn’t the guy who fucked up, yet again,” Ryland joked.

“Haha,” Gabe said sarcastically. “I know I fucked up.”

“Did you not listen to a word we said?” Victoria asked. “Delia was like the perfect girl.”

“I know, and I completely ruined her life,” Gabe muttered.

“What do you mean you ruined her life?” Nate asked. “I mean sure, you cheated on her, but ruin her life? Aren’t you exaggerating a bit?”

“I slept with her sister,” Gabe admitted.

“You what?” Alex exclaimed.

“You heard me,” Gabe told him.

“Dude! What the hell were you thinking?” Ryland asked.

“I was completely trashed, not that that’s an excuse. And, I thought that Roxanna was Delia,” Gabe said.

“That is messed up!” Ryland said.

“I know, but that’s not all. Apparently, she got fired from her job, too. I went to try to talk to her at work, and she got pissed off and walked out. Apparently, her boss found out and fired her.”

“You got the girl fired, too? No wonder you said you ruined her life,” Victoria joked.

“What am I going to do?” Gabe asked. “God! She doesn’t even have a job because of me.”

“Well, the only way you’re going to be able to help her get a job is if you buy a bakery,” Alex told him. “Other than that, I don’t know how she’s ever going to get over this. I mean, come on, this is the second time you’ve cheated on her!”

“That’s it!” Gabe exclaimed.

“What?” Alex asked, confused.

“I’m buying a bakery!” Gabe told them. “Thanks guys. I’ll talk to you later. I’ve got to go,” he said running out the door.
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