Behind Closed Doors

Smile for the Paparazzi

“I can’t believe you and Roxanna are sisters,” Gabe said in disbelief as he stared at Delia. “You two don’t even look alike.”

“Well, technically, we’re half sisters. We have the same mother, but we’ve grown up together,” Delia said taking another bite of her salad. “Again, should I be offended by your comment?”

“No,” Gabe said quickly. “I mean I just never would have expected you two to be sisters. And I definitely can’t believe that Roxanna would ask her sister to pretend to be my girlfriend.”

“Well, it works out for her. She needed someone that she could trust, someone she knew wouldn’t go talking to the press. She knows I’m not going to do that,” Delia explained. “She also needed someone she knew wasn’t going think an actual relationship was going to happen.”

“Okay, so I get all the reasons why she chose you, but there’s something I don’t get.”

“What?” Delia asked.

“Why did you say yes?”

“I already told you, she asked me and I agreed to it. Roxanna and I may not be best friends, but she needed my help so I’m helping her.”

“Yes, I know you said that, but why? Don’t you want to have a real boyfriend?”

“I’ve had real boyfriends and found that they’re not something to brag about,” Delia said simply.

“So you’d rather pretend to have a boyfriend?” Gabe asked.

“Listen, if you don’t want me to be your fake girlfriend, just say so. I’m sure Roxanna can still find another girl,” Delia began.

“No, no, that’s not what I’m saying,” Gabe cut her off. “I want you to be my girlfriend.”

“You mean fake girlfriend?” Delia asked catching his mistake.

“Yes, fake girlfriend,” Gabe said. “So, I guess if we’re going to be in each other’s lives for a while, we should get to know each other more.”

“Well, you already know about me.”

“No, all I know is that you’re twenty-three, you work at a bakery, and your sister is my publicist. Tell me something else.”

“Like what?”

“What about your friends?”

“Honestly, I don’t have very many. I’ve always preferred to be by myself than out with people. But since you asked, I hang out with my co-worker, Madison. I guess you could say she’s my best friend,” Delia told him. “What about you? Tell me about yourself.”

“I’m sure you’ve read all about me.”

“Yes, I have read about you, but that doesn’t mean it’s true. We both know how the press is.”

Gabe smiled at her comment. “Well, I’m the lead singer of Cobra Starship,” Gabe said jokingly.

“Shut up!” Delia told him. “I’m serious. Tell me about you. Something that’s not completely obvious.”

“Fine. I was born in Uruguay, but I grew up in New Jersey. I think you already know most of my friends, but my best friends are in my band. We’re taking a break since we just come back from the longest tour of my life, but we’re still writing music. We’ll probably go back into the studio in a couple of months to start a new record, but we’re not going to rush anything,” Gabe said.

Their conversation continued with ease until the waiter came with the check. Gabe grabbed it and pulled out his wallet.

“How much do I owe?” Delia said attempting to snatch the check out of Gabe’s hand.

“Don’t worry about it,” Gabe said pulling out a credit card.

“No!” Delia said. “I can pay for my half.”

“It’s fine.”

“Listen, we’re going to be going out a lot coming up. I’m not going to make you pay for me the entire time,” Delia said.

“I have more than enough money.”

“That’s not the point!” Delia said. “I have money, too. Just because I’m not a rock star doesn’t mean I’m poor.”

“Delia, seriously, I’m paying, and that’s it,” he said as he gave the waiter his credit card.

“Next time I’ll pay,” Delia offered.

“We’ll see,” Gabe said.

The waiter came back with Gabe’s credit card, and Gabe looked over at Delia. “You ready for the press?” he asked her.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Delia replied as she stood up. Gabe grabbed her hand as they made their way out of the restaurant.

As soon as they stepped outside, Delia was blinded by the flashing lights. She couldn’t believe how many photographers were there just to get a picture of Gabe. Gabe continued to hold her hand as he guided her through the photographers to his car. Once they got in, he drove her back to her apartment.

As she got ready to exit his car, he stopped her. “I had a nice night,” he told her.

“You know I’m your fake girlfriend, right? You don’t have to say all this bullshit to me. I’m not going to break up with you or anything,” Delia said jokingly.

“Yeah,” Gabe said with a small laugh. “I’ll call you later.”

“Bye, Gabe. Have fun with your girl of the night,” she said shutting the door and walking to her apartment.

Gabe sat in the car thinking about her words. For once, he didn’t want to go and sleep with the girl waiting for him at his apartment. But instead, he actually wanted to talk with someone. He had enjoyed the conversation with Delia tonight and hadn’t wanted to see it end. But, then again, he was still Gabe Saporta, and he couldn’t turn down a girl waiting in his bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
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