Behind Closed Doors

Hook Me Up

Gabe slightly opened one eye and immediately shut it again when he saw the light from the window shine into his room. He turned over and felt a body lying next to him. He got out of bed, without disturbing the naked girl beside him, put some clothes on, and made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed an apple before grabbing his keys off the table and leaving his apartment.

He didn’t leave a note or anything for the girl, but she wasn’t going to expect one anyway. This was how it always was. Every girl he slept with knew not to expect anything the next morning. It was a one-night stand and nothing more.

He began driving to Roxanna’s office, thinking to himself. This time it was different, though. Instead of thinking about the sex last night, he was thinking about his “date” with Delia. He was wondering what she was doing at this instant. He figured she was probably getting ready to go to work or something constructive like that.

As he pulled into a parking space, he pulled his door open and proceeded to make his way into Roxanna’s office. Roxanna’s secretary, Joanie, told him to go right in to Roxanna’s office and she would meet him in there in a few minutes.

He sat down in one of the chairs opposite of Roxanna’s desk waiting on her. Two minutes later, he found a newspaper being slapped in front of him. “Congratulations,” Roxanna said as she walked around to the other side of her desk. “You two were photographed last night. And here it is on Page Six.” Gabe flipped the newspaper to that page and began reading what they had to say.

Meanwhile, Delia was making her way to the bakery for work. As she walked through the door, she saw Madison sitting at the front counter. “Is Ilsa not here yet?” Delia asked, referring to the bakery’s owner.

“No, she called and said she won’t be in until the afternoon. She wants us to start in on the Montez’s wedding cake,” Madison replied not looking up from the computer screen she was staring at.

“Okay,” Delia said.

All of a sudden, Delia heard Madison gasp and then exclaim, “How could you not tell me?”

“How could I not tell you what?” Delia asked walking around the counter to see what Madison was looking at.

“How could you not tell me you’re dating Gabe Saporta?”

“We only went out for the first time last night. But how did you know that?”

“It’s on Perez Hilton,” Madison answered. Delia should have known that Madison would find out sooner or later since she was addicted to Perez Hilton, but she never expected for Perez Hilton to report about her and Gabe so quickly.

“Let me see,” Delia said as she pushed her way in front of the computer. She looked at the screen, and sure enough, there was a picture of her and Gabe from the previous night accompanied by an article.

New Girl in Gabe's Life??

Sighting: Gabe Saporta was spotted leaving Avenue Eleven last night with another new girl.While the new girl on his arm was not a surprise (it seems Gabe has a new girl every night), the look of the girl was surprising. For once, he wasn’t seen leaving with a stick-thin model, but instead left with a nice-looking girl who was actually wearing clothes that covered her body! We don’t know if she’s to stay, but we sure are hoping! We’ll update you when we learn more about Gabe’s mysterious new girl!!

“Oh my God!” Delia exclaimed, not knowing what else to say.

“How could you not tell me you were dating Gabe Saporta?” Madison repeated.

“I’m sorry. I was going to tell you,” Delia said.

“How did you two even meet?”

“Through Roxanna. Gabe’s one of her clients,” Delia said, trying not to lie to her friend, but also not telling her the whole truth.

“And you couldn’t tell me that Roxanna knew Gabe Saporta? What else have you been hiding? Who else does she know? Can you set me up with someone?” Madison asked jokingly.

“Yeah, I’ll get right on that. Is there anyone in particular you’d like me to hook you up with?” Delia asked, playing along.

“Anyone in a band. I’m not too picky. Someone from Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Cobra Starship. Obviously not Gabe, though,” Madison added.

“Okay, well as soon as I meet one of them, I’ll give them your picture and number, okay?”

“Sounds great,” Madison smiled.

“Let’s get to work,” Delia said going into the back to start working on the wedding cake.

A couple of hours later, Delia was still in the back working on the cake, while Madison was up front working at the counter. Delia looked up and saw Madison walking towards her. “Del, someone’s here to see you,” she told her.

“Who?” Delia asked curiously.

“Just go out there and see.”

“Okay. Just let me finish this layer,” Delia said going back to the design on the cake.

Madison walked back out front and said, “she’ll be here in a few minutes.”


Five minutes later, Delia walked out to the front to see Gabe standing there. “What are you doing here?” she asked him.

“I came to see you, obviously,” he said. Madison stood there watching the two of them.

“Oh, Gabe, this is Madison Perrin. She’s the one I told you about last night. She works here with me. Madison, this is Gabe Saporta,” Delia introduced.

“Nice to meet you,” Gabe said.

“You, too,” Madison told him before turning around to Delia. “You told him about me?”

“Don’t get all excited,” Delia said jokingly. “He asked about my friends.”

“Oh,” Madison said. “Well, I’m going to head to the back and work on the cake. You two have fun,” she said smiling at Delia.

“So, did you see Page Six this morning?” Gabe asked Delia.

“No, but Madison did show me Perez Hilton.”

“I guess it’s working, huh?” Gabe asked.

“Gabe, what are you doing here? You could have called and asked me this. Why come to my work?”

“Well, if you want me to leave,” Gabe said, dramatically spinning around to go toward the door.

“I never said that. I just asked why you were here.”

“I came to ask you what you’re doing tonight.”

“I work until six, but I’ve got no plans after that. Do you have something in mind?”

“I’ll pick you up at your place at seven,” Gabe said smiling as he walked out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
I put up pictures of Delia, Roxanna, and Madison on the summary page if anyone is interested.

Who do you think Delia should set Madison up with???

To everyone who reads and/or comments, I appreciate all of you. A huge thank you goes out to you all!!!